Simple Parameter with Steady State Data

The short story here is that PyCoTools distinguishes time series and steady state data automatically, using the presence or absence of the time column.

Here’s an example.

import os, glob
import pandas, numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
from pycotools3 import model, tasks, viz
seaborn.set_context(context='talk')         # set seaborn context for formatting output of plots

## Choose a directory for our model and analysis. Note this can be anywhere.
working_directory = os.path.abspath('')

## In this model, A gets reversibly converted to B but the backwards reaction is additionally regulated by C.
## B is reversibly converted into C.
antimony_string = """
model simple_parameter_estimation()
    compartment Cell = 1;

    A in Cell;
    B in Cell;
    C in Cell;

    // reactions
    R1: A => B ; Cell * k1 * A;
    R2: B => A ; Cell * k2 * B * C;
    R3: B => C ; Cell * k3 * B;
    R4: C => B ; Cell * k4 * C;

    // initial concentrations
    A = 100;
    B = 1;
    C = 1;

    // reaction parameters
    k1 = 0.1;
    k2 = 0.1;
    k3 = 0.1;
    k4 = 0.1;

# Create a path to a copasi file
copasi_file = os.path.join(working_directory, 'example_model.cps')

## build model
mod = model.loada(antimony_string, copasi_file)
assert isinstance(mod, model.Model)

## create some made up data
data = pandas.DataFrame({'A': 30, 'B': 10, 'C': 10})

## write data to file
experiment_filename = os.path.join(working_directory, 'experiment_data.txt')

We now have a model and some experimental data and can configure a parameter estimation. Configuring steady state data is semantically identical to configuring time series data. The difference is that our data no longer has a time column and so PyCoTools assumes that it is steady state data.

Now, as usual, we configure the parameter estimation with the Context manager.

with tasks.ParameterEstimation.Context(mod, experiment_filename, context='s', parameters='g') as context:
    context.set('separator', ',')
    context.set('run_mode', True)
    context.set('randomize_start_values', True)
    context.set('method', 'genetic_algorithm')
    context.set('population_size', 100)
    context.set('lower_bound', 1e-1)
    context.set('upper_bound', 1e1)

    config = context.get_config()

pe = tasks.ParameterEstimation(config)

data = viz.Parse(pe).data