Parameter Estimation using Prefix ArgumentΒΆ

Sometimes we would like to select a set of parameters to estimate and leave the rest fixed. One way to do this is to compile a list of parameters you would like to estimate and enter them into the ParameterEstimation.Config class. A quicker alternative is to use the prefix setting.

import os, glob
import pandas, numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
from pycotools3 import model, tasks, viz

## Choose a directory for our model and analysis
working_directory = os.path.abspath('')

The prefix argument will setup the configuration of a parameter estimation containing only parameters that start with prefix. While this can be anything, its quite useful to use the _ character and then add an _ to any parameters that you want estimated. In this way you can keep your estimated parameters marked.

antimony_string = """
model simple_parameter_estimation()
    compartment Cell = 1;

    A in Cell;
    B in Cell;
    _C in Cell;

    // reactions
    R1: A => B ; Cell * _k1 * A;
    R2: B => A ; Cell * k2 * B * _C;
    R3: B => C ; Cell * _k3 * B;
    R4: C => B ; Cell * k4 * _C;

    // initial concentrations
    A = 100;
    B = 1;
    _C = 1;

    // reaction parameters
    _k1 = 0.1;
    k2 = 0.1;
    _k3 = 0.1;
    k4 = 0.1;

copasi_file = os.path.join(working_directory, 'example_model.cps')

## build model
mod = model.loada(antimony_string, copasi_file)

assert isinstance(mod, model.Model)

fname = os.path.join(working_directory, 'experiment_data.txt')
data = mod.simulate(0, 20, 1, report_name=fname)

## write data to file

And now we configure a parameter estimation like normal but set prefix to _.

with tasks.ParameterEstimation.Context(mod, experiment_filename, context='s', parameters='a') as context:
    context.set('separator', ',')
    context.set('run_mode', True)
    context.set('randomize_start_values', True)
    context.set('method', 'genetic_algorithm')
    context.set('population_size', 100)
    context.set('lower_bound', 1e-1)
    context.set('upper_bound', 1e1)
    context.set('prefix', '_')
    config = context.get_config()

pe = tasks.ParameterEstimation(config)

data = viz.Parse(pe).data