Source code for pycotools3.tasks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 This file is part of pycotools3.

 pycotools3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 pycotools3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with pycotools3.  If not, see <>.

 $Author: Ciaran Welsh
 $Date: 12-09-2016
 Time:  13:33

import glob
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import queue as queue
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import threading
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce
from io import StringIO
from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count
from subprocess import check_call

import numpy
import pandas
import psutil
import seaborn as sns
from lxml import etree

from . import bunch
from . import errors
from . import model
from .bunch import Bunch
from .mixin import mixin

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class _Task(object):
    """base class for tasks"""
    schema = '{}'

    def get_variable_from_string(m, v, glob=False):
        """Use model entity name to get the
        pycotools3 variable

          m: py:class:`model`
          v: str` variable in model
          glob:  (Default value = False)

          variable as a model component

        if not isinstance(m, model.Model):
            raise errors.InputError('expected model.Model but got "{}" instance'.format(
        if not isinstance(v, str):
            raise errors.InputError('variable_name should be a string')
        ## allow a user to input a string not pycotools3.model class
        if isinstance(v, str):
            if v in [ for i in m.metabolites]:
                v = m.get('metabolite', v, by='name')

            elif v in [ for i in m.compartments]:
                v = m.get('compartments', v, by='name')

            elif v in [ for i in m.global_quantities]:
                v = m.get('global_quantity', v, by='name')

            elif v in [i.global_name for i in m.local_parameters]:
                v = m.get('local_parameter', v, by='global_name')

                assignments = m.get(
                    'local_parameter', 'assignment', by='simulation_type'
                raise errors.InputError('Variable "{}" is not in model "{}". '
                                        'These are your model variables:\n '
                                        '{} \n These are local_parameters '
                                        'with global_quantities assigned '
                                        'to them: \n"{}"'.format(v,, m.all_variable_names,
                                                                 [i.global_name for i in assignments]))
        assert isinstance(v, str) != True
        return v

    def update_properties(self, kwargs):
        """method for updating properties from kwargs

          kwargs: dict of options for subclass


        for k in kwargs:
                getattr(self, k)
                setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])
            except AttributeError:
                setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])

    def convert_bool_to_numeric(dct):
        """CopasiML uses 1's and 0's for True or False in some
        but not all places. When one of these options
        is required by the user and is specified as bool,
        this class converts them into 1's or 0's.
        Use this method in early on in constructor for
        all subclasses where this applies.


          dict` with certain boolean args as 1's and 0's

        lst = ['append',
        for k, v in list(dct.items()):
            if k in lst:
                if v == True:
                    dct[k] = '1'
                elif v == False:
                    dct[k] = '0'
                elif v == '1':
                elif v == '0':
                    raise Exception('{} is not True or False'.format(v))
        return dct

    def convert_bool_to_numeric2(self):
        """CopasiML uses 1's and 0's for True or False in some
        but not all places. When one of these options
        is required by the user and is specified as bool,
        this class converts them into 1's or 0's.
        This is like convert_bool_to_numeric but
        uses setattr



        lst = ['append',
        for attr in lst:
                ans = getattr(self, attr)
                if isinstance(ans, bool):
                    if ans:
                        setattr(self, attr, '1')
                    elif not ans:
                        setattr(self, attr, '0')
                        if ans not in [True, False, '0', '1']:
                            raise ValueError
                elif isinstance(ans, list):
                    new_list = []
                    for b in ans:
                        if not isinstance(b, bool):
                            raise TypeError
                        if b:
                        elif not b:
                            if b not in [True, False, '0', '1']:
                                raise ValueError
                    setattr(self, attr, new_list)
            except AttributeError:

    def check_integrity(allowed, given):
        """Method to raise an error when a wrong
        kwarg is passed to a subclass

          allowed: list`. List of allowed kwargs
          given: List of kwargs given by user or default


        for key in given:
            if key not in allowed:
                raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format(key, allowed))

class Bool2Str(object):
    """copasiML expects strings and we pythoners
    want to use python booleans not strings
    This class quickly converts between them




    def __init__(self, dct):

        :param dct: dict[kwarg] = boolean
        self.dct = dct
        if isinstance(self.dct, dict) != True:
            raise errors.InputError('Input must be dict')

        self.acceptable_kwargs = [
            'append', 'confirm_overwrite', 'update_model',
            'output_in_subtask', 'adjust_initial_conditions',
            'randomize_start_values', 'log10',
            'scheduled', 'output_event',

    def convert(self, boolean):



        if boolean == True:
            return "true"
        elif boolean == False:
            return "false"
            raise errors.InputError('Input should be boolean not {}'.format(isinstance(boolean)))

    def convert_dct(self):
        for kwarg in list(self.dct.keys()):
            if kwarg in self.acceptable_kwargs:
                if self.dct[kwarg] == True:
                    self.dct.update({kwarg: "true"})
                    self.dct.update({kwarg: "false"})
        return self.dct

class CopasiMLParser(_Task):
    """Parse a copasi file into xml.etree.
    .. highlight::



    >>> model_path = r'/full/path/to/model.cps'
        >>> xml = CopasiMLParser(model_path).xml

    def __init__(self, copasi_file):

        :param copasi_file:
            `str` full path to a copasi file
        self.copasi_file = copasi_file
        if os.path.isfile(self.copasi_file) != True:
            raise errors.FileDoesNotExistError('{} is not a copasi file'.format(self.copasi_file))
        self.copasiMLTree = self._parse_copasiML()
        self.copasiML = self.copasiMLTree.getroot()
        self.xml = self.copasiMLTree.getroot()

    def _parse_copasiML(self):
        """Parse xml doc with lxml



        parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
        tree = etree.parse(self.copasi_file, parser)
        return tree

    def write_copasi_file(copasi_filename, xml):
        """write to file with lxml write function



        # first convert the copasiML to a root element tree
        root = etree.ElementTree(xml)

class Run(_Task):
    """Execute a copasi model using CopasiSE. To
    be operational the environment variable CopasiSE
    must be set to point towards the location of
    your CopasiSE executable. This is usually
    done automatically.

    .. highlight::

        ## First get a model object

    To run a time_course task

    To run the parameter estimation task:

    To run the parameter estimation task with :py:mod:`multiprocessing`

    To run the scan task but have python write a .sh script for submission to sun grid engine:


    ==========          ===================
    Property            Description
    ==========          ===================
    task                Task to run
    mode                How to run the task
    sge_job_filename    Optional name of sh file
                        generated for running sge
    ==========          ===================

    task options

    ==============          ==============
    Modes                   Description
    =============           ==============
    False                   Do not run
    True                    Run one at a time
    parallel                Run several at once
    sge                     Run on sun grid engine
    slurm                   Run on Slurm
    =============           ==============



    >>> model_path = r'/full/path/to/model.cps'
        >>> model = model.Model(model_path)

        >>> Run(model, task='time_course', mode=True)

        >>> Run(model, task='parameter_estimation', mode=True)

        >>> Run(model, task='parameter_estimation', mode='parallel')

        >>> Run(model, task='scan', mode='sge')

        >>> Run(model, task='scan', mode='slurm')

    def __init__(self, model, **kwargs):
        :param model:

        self.model = self.read_model(model)

        self.kwargs = kwargs

        self.default_properties = {'task': 'time_course',
                                   'mode': True,
                                   'sge_job_filename': None,
                                   # 'copasi_location': COPASI_DIR
                                   # 'copasi_location': 'apps/COPASI/4.21.166-Linux-64bit',  # for sge mode

        self.check_integrity(list(self.default_properties.keys()), list(self.kwargs.keys()))

        if self.sge_job_filename is None:
            self.sge_job_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '')

        self.model = self.set_task()

        if self.mode is True:
            except errors.CopasiError:

        elif self.mode == 'sge':

        elif self.mode == 'slurm':

    def _do_checks(self):
        """Varify integrity of user input



        tasks = ['steady_state', 'time_course',
                 'scan', 'flux_mode', 'optimization',
                 'parameter_estimation', 'metabolic_control_analysis',
                 'lyapunov_exponents', 'time_scale_separation_analysis',
                 'sensitivities', 'moieties', 'cross_section',
        if self.task not in tasks:
            raise errors.InputError('{} not in list of tasks. List of tasks are: {}'.format(self.task, tasks))

        modes = [True, False, 'multiprocess', 'parallel', 'sge', 'slurm']
        if self.mode not in modes:
            raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format(self.mode, modes))

    def __str__(self):
        return f'Run({self.model}, {self.kwargs})'

    def multi_run(self):
        """ """
        pids = []

        def run(x):



            if os.path.isfile(x) != True:
                raise errors.FileDoesNotExistError('{} is not a file'.format(self.copasi_file))
            p = subprocess.Popen(
                    f'CopasiSE', self.model.copasi_file
                ], shell=True


    def set_task(self):
        task = self.task.replace(' ', '_').lower()

        for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfTasks'):
            i.attrib['scheduled'] = "false"  # set all to false
            task_name = i.attrib['name'].lower().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_')
            if task == task_name:
                i.attrib['scheduled'] = "true"
        return self.model

    def run(self):
        """Run copasi model with CopasiSE distributed with pycotools



        p = subprocess.Popen(f'CopasiSE "{self.model.copasi_file}"', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
        output, err = p.communicate()
        d = {}
        d['output'] = output
        d['error'] = err
        if err != '':
                raise errors.CopasiError('Failed with Copasi error: \n\n' + d['error'])
        return d['output']

    def run_linux(self):
        """Linux systems do not respond to the run function
        in the same way as windows. This ffunction
        uses basic os.system instead, which linux systems
        do respond to. This solution is less than elegant.
        Look into it further.



        ##TODO find better solution for running copasi files on linux
        os.system(f'CopasiSE {self.model.copasi_file}')

    def submit_copasi_job_SGE(self):
        """Submit copasi file as job to SGE based job scheduler.

          copasi_location: Location to copasi on the sge cluster. Gets passed to `module add` to load copasi


        self.sge_job_filename = self.sge_job_filename.replace('/', '_')
        with open(self.sge_job_filename, 'w') as f:
            f.write('#!/bin/bash\n#$ -V -cwd\nCopasiSE "{}"'.format(

        ## -N option for job namexx
        os.system('qsub "{}" -N "{}" '.format(self.sge_job_filename, self.sge_job_filename))

    def submit_copasi_job_slurm(self):
        """Submit copasi file as job to SGE based job scheduler.

          copasi_location: Location to copasi on the sge cluster. Gets passed to `module add` to load copasi


        self.sge_job_filename = self.sge_job_filename.replace('/', '_')
        with open(self.sge_job_filename, 'w') as f:
            f.write('#!/bin/bash\n#$ \nCopasiSE "{}"'.format(

        ## -N option for job namexx
        os.system('sbatch "{}"  --job-name "{}"'.format(self.sge_job_filename, self.sge_job_filename))
        ## remove .sh file after used.

class RunParallel(_Task):
    """ """

    def __init__(self, models, **kwargs):
        self.models = models
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.default_properties = {
            'max_active': None,
            'task': 'parameter_estimation',
        self.default_properties = self.convert_bool_to_numeric(self.default_properties)
        self.check_integrity(list(self.default_properties.keys()), list(self.kwargs.keys()))
        # self.set_task()

        self.models = self.set_task()
        [ for i in self.models]

    def _do_checks(self):
        """Varify integrity of user input



        tasks = ['steady_state', 'time_course',
                 'scan', 'flux_mode', 'optimization',
                 'parameter_estimation', 'metabolic_control_analysis',
                 'lyapunov_exponents', 'time_scale_separation_analysis',
                 'sensitivities', 'moieties', 'cross_section',
        if self.task not in tasks:
            raise errors.InputError('{} not in list of tasks. List of tasks are: {}'.format(self.task, tasks))

        # modes = [False, 'multiprocess']
        # if self.mode not in modes:
        #     raise errors.InputError('{} not in {}'.format(self.mode, modes))
        if not isinstance(self.models, list):
            raise errors.InputError('input should be a list of models to run')

        for i in self.models:
            if not isinstance(i, model.Model):
                raise errors.InputError('Input should be a list of models to run')

        if self.max_active is None:
            self.max_active = len(self.models)

    # def __str__(self):
    #     return 'RunParallel({})'.format()

    def set_task(self):
        task = self.task.replace(' ', '_').lower()
        model_list = []
        for model in self.models:
            for i in model.xml.find('{}ListOfTasks'):
                i.attrib['scheduled'] = "false"  # set all to false
                task_name = i.attrib['name'].lower().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_')
                if task == task_name:
                    i.attrib['scheduled'] = "true"
        assert len(self.models) == len(model_list)
        return model_list

    def run_parallel(self):
        """Run models in parallel. Only have self.max_active
        models running at once



        pids = []
        num_models_to_process = len(self.models)

        while num_models_to_process > 0:

            # for copy_number, model in self.models.items():
            model = self.models[num_models_to_process - 1]
            if len(pids) < int(self.max_active):
                num_models_to_process -= 1
                subp = subprocess.Popen(['CopasiSE', model.copasi_file])

                for pid in range(len(pids)):
                        p = psutil.Process(pids[pid])
                    except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
              'No such process: {}. Skipping'.format(pid))
                    if psutil.pid_exists(pids[pid]) is False:
                        del pids[pid]

                    if p.status() is 'zombie':
              'is zombie')

                        del pids[pid]

            except IndexError:
                LOG.warning('index error skipped')

[docs]@mixin(model.GetModelComponentFromStringMixin) @mixin(model.ReadModelMixin) class Reports(_Task): """Creates reports in copasi output specification section. Which report is controlled by the report_type key word. The following are valid types of report: .. report_kwargs_: =========================== ============================================== Report Types Description =========================== ============================================== time_course Report definition for collection of time course data. parameter_estimation Collect parameter estimates from parameter estimations run from the parameter estimation task multi_parameter_estimation Collect parameter estimation data from parameter estimations run from the scan task with copasi's repeat feature profile_likelihood Collect both the parameter being scanned value and the parameter estimates =========================== ============================================== Here are the keyword arguments accepted by the Reports class. =========================== ============================================== Report options Description =========================== ============================================== metabolites `str` or list of `str`. Metabolites to included in report global_quantities `str` or list of `str`. global quantities to included in report local_parameters `str` or list of `str`. local parameters to included in report quantity_type `str`. either 'concentration' or 'particle_numbers' report_name `str` valid path to where you want the report saved append `bool`. Passed onto to copasi report options confirm_overwrite `bool`. Passed onto to copasi report options update_model `bool`. Passed onto to copasi report options variable `str` which variable scanned in profile likelihood directory `str` directory to save report in =========================== ============================================== Args: Returns: """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): """ A class for configuring reports Args: model(:py:class:`model.Model`): Model to add report configuration to **kwargs: Arguments for report """ # super(Reports, self).__init__(model, **kwargs) self.model = self.read_model(model) self.kwargs = kwargs self.default_properties = {'metabolites': self.model.metabolites, 'global_quantities': self.model.global_quantities, 'local_parameters': self.model.local_parameters, 'compartments': self.model.compartments, 'quantity_type': 'concentration', 'report_name': None, 'append': False, 'confirm_overwrite': False, 'separator': '\t', 'update_model': False, 'report_type': 'parameter_estimation', 'variable': self.model.metabolites[0], # only for profile_likelihood 'directory': None, } self.default_properties.update(self.kwargs) self.convert_bool_to_numeric(self.default_properties) self.update_properties(self.default_properties) self.check_integrity(list(self.default_properties.keys()), list(self.kwargs.keys())) self.__do_checks() self.model =
def __do_checks(self): """ Varify integrity of user input :return: """ if isinstance(self.metabolites, str): self.metabolites = [self.metabolites] if isinstance(self.global_quantities, str): self.global_quantities = [self.global_quantities] if isinstance(self.local_parameters, str): self.local_parameters = [self.local_parameters] if self.quantity_type not in ['concentration', 'particle_numbers']: raise errors.InputError('{} not concentration or particle_numbers'.format(self.quantity_type)) self.report_types = [None, 'profile_likelihood', 'profilelikelihood2', 'time_course', 'parameter_estimation', 'multi_parameter_estimation', 'sensitivity'] assert self.report_type in self.report_types, 'valid report types include {}'.format(self.report_types) quantity_types = ['particle_numbers', 'concentration'] assert self.quantity_type in quantity_types if self.report_name == None: if self.report_type == 'profile_likelihood': default_report_name = 'profilelikelihood.txt' elif self.report_type == 'profile_likelihood2': default_report_name = 'profile_likelihood2.txt' elif self.report_type == 'time_course': default_report_name = 'time_course.txt' elif self.report_type == 'parameter_estimation': default_report_name = 'parameter_estimation.txt' elif self.report_type == 'multi_parameter_estimation': default_report_name = 'multi_parameter_estimation.txt' elif self.report_type == 'sensitivity': default_report_name = 'sensitivities.txt' else: raise NotImplementedError self.report_name = default_report_name def __str__(self): return 'Report({})'.format(self.to_string())
[docs] def timecourse(self): """creates a report to collect time course results. By default all species and all global quantities are used with Time on the left most column. This behavior can be overwritten by passing lists of metabolites to the metabolites keyword or global quantities to the global quantities keyword Args: Returns: """ # get existing report keys keys = [] for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): keys.append(i.attrib['key']) if i.attrib['name'] == 'Time-Course': self.model = self.remove_report('time_course') new_key = 'Report_30' while new_key in keys: new_key = 'Report_{}'.format(numpy.random.randint(30, 100)) ListOfReports = self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports') report = etree.SubElement(ListOfReports, 'Report', attrib={'precision': '6', 'separator': '\t', 'name': 'Time-Course', 'key': new_key, 'taskType': 'Time-Course'}) comment = etree.SubElement(report, 'Comment') comment = comment # get rid of annoying squiggly line above table = etree.SubElement(report, 'Table') table.attrib['printTitle'] = str(1) # Objects for the report to report time = etree.SubElement(table, 'Object') # first element always time. time.attrib['cn'] = 'CN=Root,Model={},Reference=Time'.format( # for metabolites if self.metabolites != None: for i in self.metabolites: if self.quantity_type == 'concentration': ''' A coapsi 'reference' for metabolite in report looks like this: "CN=Root,Model=New Model,Vector=Compartments[nuc],Vector=Metabolites[A],Reference=Concentration" ''' cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, i.compartment.reference, i.transient_reference) elif self.quantity_type == 'particle_numbers': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, i.compartment.reference, i.reference) # add to xml Object = etree.SubElement(table, 'Object') Object.attrib['cn'] = cn # for global quantities if self.global_quantities != None: for i in self.global_quantities: """ A Copasi 'reference' for global_quantities in report looks like this: cn="CN=Root,Model=New Model,Vector=Values[B2C],Reference=Value" """ cn = '{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, i.transient_reference) Object = etree.SubElement(table, 'Object') Object.attrib['cn'] = cn return self.model
[docs] def scan(self): """creates a report to collect scan time course results. By default all species and all global quantities are used with Time on the left most column. This behavior can be overwritten by passing lists of metabolites to the metabolites keyword or global quantities to the global quantities keyword Args: Returns: """ # get existing report keys keys = [] for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): keys.append(i.attrib['key']) if i.attrib['name'] == 'Time-Course': self.model = self.remove_report('time_course') new_key = 'Report_30' while new_key in keys: new_key = 'Report_{}'.format(numpy.random.randint(30, 100)) ListOfReports = self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports') report = etree.SubElement(ListOfReports, 'Report', attrib={'precision': '6', 'separator': '\t', 'name': 'Time-Course', 'key': new_key, 'taskType': 'Time-Course'}) comment = etree.SubElement(report, 'Comment') comment = comment # get rid of annoying squiggly line above table = etree.SubElement(report, 'Table') table.attrib['printTitle'] = str(1) # Objects for the report to report time = etree.SubElement(table, 'Object') # first element always time. time.attrib['cn'] = 'CN=Root,Model={},Reference=Time'.format( if self.metabolites != None: for i in self.metabolites: if self.quantity_type == 'concentration': ''' A coapsi 'reference' for metabolite in report looks like this: "CN=Root,Model=New Model,Vector=Compartments[nuc],Vector=Metabolites[A],Reference=Concentration" ''' cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, i.compartment.reference, i.transient_reference) elif self.quantity_type == 'particle_numbers': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, i.compartment.reference, i.reference) # add to xml Object = etree.SubElement(table, 'Object') Object.attrib['cn'] = cn # for global quantities if self.global_quantities != None: for i in self.global_quantities: """ A Copasi 'reference' for global_quantities in report looks like this: cn="CN=Root,Model=New Model,Vector=Values[B2C],Reference=Value" """ cn = '{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, i.transient_reference) Object = etree.SubElement(table, 'Object') Object.attrib['cn'] = cn return self.model
[docs] def profile_likelihood(self): """Create report of a parameter and best value for a parameter estimation for profile likelihoods Args: Returns: """ # get existing report keys keys = [] for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): keys.append(i.attrib['key']) if i.attrib['name'] == 'profile_likelihood': self.model = self.remove_report('profile_likelihood') new_key = 'Report_31' while new_key in keys: new_key = 'Report_{}'.format(numpy.random.randint(30, 100)) report_attributes = {'precision': '6', 'separator': '\t', 'name': 'profile_likelihood', 'key': new_key, 'taskType': 'Scan'} ListOfReports = self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports') report = etree.SubElement(ListOfReports, 'Report') report.attrib.update(report_attributes) comment = etree.SubElement(report, 'Comment') table = etree.SubElement(report, 'Table') table.attrib['printTitle'] = str(1) if in [ for i in self.metabolites]: cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, self.variable.compartment.reference, self.variable.initial_reference) elif in [ for i in self.global_quantities]: cn = '{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, self.variable.initial_reference) elif in [ for i in self.local_parameters]: cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, self.variable.get_reaction().reference, self.variable.value_reference) etree.SubElement(table, 'Object', attrib={'cn': cn}) etree.SubElement(table, 'Object', attrib={ 'cn': "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Parameters"}) etree.SubElement(table, 'Object', attrib={ 'cn': "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Value"}) return self.model
[docs] def parameter_estimation(self): """Define a parameter estimation report and include the progression of the parameter estimation (function evaluations). Defaults to including all metabolites, global variables and local variables with the RSS best value These can be over-ridden with the global_quantities, LocalParameters and metabolites keywords. Args: Returns: """ # get existing report keys keys = [] for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): keys.append(i.attrib['key']) if i.attrib['name'] == 'parameter_estimation': self.model = self.remove_report('parameter_estimation') new_key = 'Report_32' while new_key in keys: new_key = 'Report_{}'.format(numpy.random.randint(30, 100)) report_attributes = {'precision': '6', 'separator': '\t', 'name': 'parameter_estimation', 'key': new_key, 'taskType': 'parameterFitting'} ListOfReports = self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports') report = etree.SubElement(ListOfReports, 'Report') report.attrib.update(report_attributes) comment = etree.SubElement(report, 'Comment') footer = etree.SubElement(report, 'Footer') Object = etree.SubElement(footer, 'Object') Object.attrib[ 'cn'] = "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Parameters" Object = etree.SubElement(footer, 'Object') Object.attrib[ 'cn'] = "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Value" return self.model
[docs] def multi_parameter_estimation(self): """Define a parameter estimation report and include the progression of the parameter estimation (function evaluations). Defaults to including all metabolites, global variables and local variables with the RSS best value These can be over-ridden with the global_quantities, LocalParameters and metabolites keywords. Args: Returns: """ # get existing report keys keys = [] for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): keys.append(i.attrib['key']) if i.attrib['name'] == 'multi_parameter_estimation': self.model = self.remove_report('multi_parameter_estimation') new_key = 'Report_32' while new_key in keys: new_key = 'Report_{}'.format(numpy.random.randint(30, 100)) report_attributes = {'precision': '6', 'separator': '\t', 'name': 'multi_parameter_estimation', 'key': new_key, 'taskType': 'parameterFitting'} ListOfReports = self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports') report = etree.SubElement(ListOfReports, 'Report') report.attrib.update(report_attributes) comment = etree.SubElement(report, 'Comment') table = etree.SubElement(report, 'Table') table.attrib['printTitle'] = str(1) etree.SubElement(table, 'Object', attrib={ 'cn': "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Parameters"}) etree.SubElement(table, 'Object', attrib={ 'cn': "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Value"}) return self.model
[docs] def sensitivity(self): """ """ # get existing report keys keys = [] for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): keys.append(i.attrib['key']) if i.attrib['name'] == 'sensitivity': self.model = self.remove_report('sensitivity') new_key = 'Report_31' while new_key in keys: new_key = 'Report_{}'.format(numpy.random.randint(30, 100)) report_attributes = {'precision': '6', 'separator': '\t', 'name': 'sensitivity', 'key': new_key, 'taskType': 'Sensitivities'} ListOfReports = self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports') report = etree.SubElement(ListOfReports, 'Report') report.attrib.update(report_attributes) comment = etree.SubElement(report, 'Comment') table = etree.SubElement(report, 'Table') table.attrib['printTitle'] = str(1) etree.SubElement(table, 'Object', attrib={ 'cn': "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Sensitivities],Object=Result" }) return self.model
[docs] def run(self): """Execute code that builds the report defined by the kwargs""" if self.report_type == 'parameter_estimation': self.model = self.parameter_estimation() elif self.report_type == 'multi_parameter_estimation': self.model = self.multi_parameter_estimation() elif self.report_type == 'profile_likelihood': self.model = self.profile_likelihood() elif self.report_type == 'time_course': self.model = self.timecourse() elif self.report_type == 'sensitivity': self.model = self.sensitivity() elif self.report_type == None: self.model = self.model else: raise NotImplementedError return self.model
[docs] def remove_report(self, report_name): """remove report called report_name Args: report_name: return: pycotools3.model.Model Returns: pycotools3.model.Model """ assert report_name in self.report_types, '{} not a valid report type. These are valid report types: {}'.format( report_name, self.report_types) for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): if report_name == 'time_course': report_name = 'time-course' if i.attrib['name'].lower() == report_name.lower(): i.getparent().remove(i) return self.model
[docs] def clear_all_reports(self): """Having multile reports defined at once can be really annoying and give you unexpected results. Use this function to remove all reports before defining a new one to ensure you only have one active report any once. :return: Args: Returns: """ for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfTasks'): for j in list(i): if 'target' in list(j.attrib.keys()): j.attrib['target'] = '' return self.model
[docs]@mixin(model.ReadModelMixin) class TimeCourse(_Task): """ Simulate a time course A class for running a time course from python using a copasi model. All but one of copasi's solvers are supported and available via the `method` kwarg. .. _timecourse_kwargs: =========================== ============================================== TimeCourse Kwargs Description =========================== ============================================== intervals Default: 100 step_size Default: 0.01 end Default: 1 start Default: 0 update_model Default: False method Default: deterministic output_event Default: False scheduled Default: True automatic_step_size Default: False start_in_steady_state Default: False integrate_reduced_model Default: False relative_tolerance Default: 1e-6 absolute_tolerance Default: 1e-12 max_internal_steps Default: 10000 max_internal_step_size Default: 0 subtype Default: 2 use_random_seed Default: True random_seed Default: 1 epsilon Default: 0.001 lower_limit Default: 800 upper_limit Default: 1000 partitioning_interval Default: 1 runge_kutta_step_size Default: 0.001 run Default: True correct_headers Default: True save Default: False <report_kwargs> Arguments for :ref:` report_kwargs <report_kwargs>` are also accepted here =========================== ============================================== Args: Returns: """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.model = self.read_model(model) default_report_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.model.copasi_file), 'TimeCourseData.txt') default_properties = {'intervals': 100, 'step_size': 0.01, 'end': 1, 'start': 0, 'update_model': False, # report variables 'metabolites': self.model.metabolites, 'global_quantities': self.model.global_quantities, 'quantity_type': 'concentration', 'report_name': default_report_name, 'append': False, 'confirm_overwrite': False, 'method': 'deterministic', 'output_event': False, 'scheduled': True, 'automatic_step_size': False, 'start_in_steady_state': False, 'integrate_reduced_model': False, 'relative_tolerance': 1e-6, 'absolute_tolerance': 1e-12, 'max_internal_steps': 10000, 'max_internal_step_size': 0, 'subtype': 2, 'use_random_seed': True, 'random_seed': 1, 'epsilon': 0.001, 'lower_limit': 800, 'upper_limit': 1000, 'partitioning_interval': 1, 'runge_kutta_step_size': 0.001, 'run': True, 'correct_headers': True, 'save': False, } default_properties.update(kwargs) default_properties = self.convert_bool_to_numeric(default_properties) self.check_integrity(list(default_properties.keys()), list(kwargs.keys())) self.update_properties(default_properties) self._do_checks() self.set_timecourse() self.set_report() self.simulate() ## self.correct_output_headers() if
def _do_checks(self): """method for checking user input :return: void Args: Returns: """ method_list = ['deterministic', 'direct', 'gibson_bruck', 'tau_leap', 'adaptive_tau_leap', 'hybrid_runge_kutta', 'hybrid_lsoda', 'hybrid_rk45'] if self.method not in method_list: raise errors.InputError( '{} is not a valid method. These are valid methods {}'.format(self.method, method_list)) if os.path.isabs(self.report_name) != True: self.report_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.model.copasi_file), self.report_name) if not isinstance(self.metabolites, list): self.metabolites = [self.metabolites] if not isinstance(self.global_quantities, list): self.global_quantities = [self.global_quantities] for metab in range(len(self.metabolites)): if isinstance(self.metabolites[metab], str): self.metabolites[metab] = self.get_variable_from_string( self.model, self.metabolites[metab] ) glo_list = [] for glo in range(len(self.global_quantities)): if isinstance(self.global_quantities[glo], str): glo_list.append(self.get_variable_from_string( self.model, self.global_quantities[glo] ) ) else: glo_list.append(self.global_quantities[glo]) self.global_quantities = glo_list def __str__(self): return "TimeCourse(method={}, end={}, intervals={}, step_size={})".format( self.method, self.end, self.intervals, self.step_size )
[docs] def simulate(self): """ """ R = Run(self.model, task='time_course', return R.model
[docs] def create_task(self): """Begin creating the segment of xml needed for a time course. Define task and problem definition. This section of xml is common to all methods :return: lxml.etree._Element Args: Returns: """ task = etree.Element('Task', attrib={'key': 'Task_100', 'name': 'Time-Course', 'type': 'timeCourse', 'scheduled': 'false', 'update_model': 'false'}) problem = etree.SubElement(task, 'Problem') etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'AutomaticStepSize', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.automatic_step_size}) etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'StepNumber', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.intervals)}) etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'StepSize', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.step_size)}) etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'Duration', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.end)}) etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'TimeSeriesRequested', 'type': 'float', 'value': '1'}) etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'OutputStartTime', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.start)}) etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'Output Event', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.output_event}) etree.SubElement(problem, 'Parameter', attrib={'name': 'Start in Steady State', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.start_in_steady_state}) return task
[docs] def set_timecourse(self): """Set method specific sections of xml. This is a method element after the problem element that looks like this: :return: lxml.etree._Element Args: Returns: """ if self.method == 'deterministic': timecourse = self.deterministic() elif self.method == 'gibson_bruck': timecourse = self.gibson_bruck() elif self.method == 'direct': timecourse = elif self.method == 'tau_leap': timecourse = self.tau_leap() elif self.method == 'adaptive_tau_leap': timecourse = self.adaptive_tau_leap() elif self.method == 'hybrid_runge_kutta': timecourse = self.hybrid_runge_kutta() elif self.method == 'hybrid_lsoda': timecourse = self.hybrid_lsoda() elif self.method == 'hybrid_rk45': timecourse = self.hybrid_rk45() list_of_tasks = '{}ListOfTasks' for task in self.model.xml.find(list_of_tasks): if task.attrib['name'] == 'Time-Course': ##remove old time course task.getparent().remove(task) ## insert new time course self.model.xml.find(list_of_tasks).insert(1, timecourse) return self.model
[docs] def deterministic(self): """:return:lxml.etree._Element""" method = etree.Element('Method', attrib={'name': 'Deterministic (LSODA)', 'type': 'Deterministic(LSODA)'}) dct = {'name': 'Integrate Reduced Model', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.integrate_reduced_model} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Relative Tolerance', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.relative_tolerance)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Absolute Tolerance', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.absolute_tolerance)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Steps', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.max_internal_steps)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Step Size', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.max_internal_step_size)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) task = self.create_task() task.append(method) return task
[docs] def gibson_bruck(self): """:return:""" method = etree.Element('Method', attrib={'name': 'Stochastic (Gibson + Bruck)', 'type': 'DirectMethod'}) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Steps', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.max_internal_steps)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Subtype', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.subtype)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Use Random Seed', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.use_random_seed} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Random Seed', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.random_seed)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) task = self.create_task() task.append(method) return task
[docs] def direct(self): """:return:""" method = etree.Element('Method', attrib={'name': 'Stochastic (Direct method)', 'type': 'Stochastic'}) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Steps', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.max_internal_steps)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Use Random Seed', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.use_random_seed} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Random Seed', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.random_seed)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) task = self.create_task() task.append(method) return task
[docs] def tau_leap(self): """:return:""" method = etree.Element('Method', attrib={'name': 'Stochastic (Ï„-Leap)', 'type': 'TauLeap'}) dct = {'name': 'Epsilon', 'type': 'float', 'value': self.epsilon} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Steps', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.max_internal_steps)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Use Random Seed', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.use_random_seed} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Random Seed', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.random_seed)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) task = self.create_task() task.append(method) return task
[docs] def adaptive_tau_leap(self): """:return:""" method = etree.Element('Method', attrib={'name': 'Stochastic (Adaptive SSA/Ï„-Leap)', 'type': 'AdaptiveSA'}) dct = {'name': 'Epsilon', 'type': 'float', 'value': self.epsilon} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Steps', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.max_internal_steps)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Use Random Seed', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.use_random_seed} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Random Seed', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.random_seed)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) task = self.create_task() task.append(method) return task
[docs] def hybrid_runge_kutta(self): """:return:""" method = etree.Element('Method', attrib={'name': 'Hybrid (Runge-Kutta)', 'type': 'Hybrid'}) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Steps', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.max_internal_steps)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Lower Limit', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.lower_limit)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Upper Limit', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.upper_limit)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Partitioning Interval', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.partitioning_interval)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Use Random Seed', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.use_random_seed} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Random Seed', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.random_seed)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Runge-Kutta Stepsize', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.runge_kutta_step_size)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) task = self.create_task() task.append(method) return task
[docs] def hybrid_lsoda(self): """:return:""" method = etree.Element('Method', attrib={'name': 'Hybrid (LSODA)', 'type': 'Hybrid (LSODA)'}) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Steps', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.max_internal_steps)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Lower Limit', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.lower_limit)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Upper Limit', 'type': 'float', 'value': str(self.upper_limit)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Partitioning Interval', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.partitioning_interval)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Use Random Seed', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.use_random_seed} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Random Seed', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': str(self.random_seed)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Integrate Reduced Model', 'type': 'bool', 'value': self.integrate_reduced_model} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Relative Tolerance', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.relative_tolerance)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Absolute Tolerance', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.absolute_tolerance)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) dct = {'name': 'Max Internal Step Size', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.max_internal_step_size)} etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=dct) task = self.create_task() task.append(method) return task
[docs] def hybrid_rk45(self): """:return:""" raise errors.NotImplementedError('The hybrid-RK-45 method is not yet implemented')
[docs] def set_report(self): """ser a time course report containing time and all species or global quantities defined by the user. :return: pycotools3.model.Model Args: Returns: """ report_options = {'metabolites': self.metabolites, 'global_quantities': self.global_quantities, 'quantity_type': self.quantity_type, 'report_name': self.report_name, 'append': self.append, 'confirm_overwrite': self.confirm_overwrite, 'update_model': self.update_model, 'report_type': 'time_course'} ## create a time course report self.model = Reports(self.model, **report_options).model ## get the report key key = self.get_report_key() arg_dct = {'append': self.append, 'target': self.report_name, 'reference': key, 'confirmOverwrite': self.confirm_overwrite} query = "//*[@name='Time-Course']" and "//*[@type='timeCourse']" present = False for i in self.model.xml.xpath(query): for j in list(i): if 'append' and 'target' in list(j.attrib.keys()): present = True j.attrib.update(arg_dct) if not present: report = etree.Element('Report', attrib=arg_dct) i.insert(0, report) return self.model
[docs] def get_report_key(self): """cross reference the timecourse task with the newly created time course reort to get the key Args: Returns: """ all_reports = [] for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): all_reports.append(i.attrib['name']) if i.attrib['name'] == 'Time-Course': key = i.attrib['key'] if 'Time-Course' not in all_reports: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError('No report called "Time-Course". ' 'Have you set one up yet?') return key
[docs]@mixin(model.ReadModelMixin) class Scan(_Task): """Interface to COPASI scan task .. _scan_kwargs: Scan kwargs ----------- =========================== ============================================== Scan Kwargs Description =========================== ============================================== update_model Default: False subtask Default: parameter_estimation report_type Default: profile_likelihood. Name of report from :py:class:`Reports` class output_in_subtask Default: False adjust_initial_conditions Default: False number_of_steps Default: 10 maximum Default: 100 minimum Default: 0.01 log10 Default: False distribution_type Default: normal scan_type Default: scan scheduled Default: True save Default: False clear_scans Default: True. If true, will remove all scans present then add new scan run Default: False <report_kwargs> Arguments for :ref:`report_kwargs` are also accepted here =========================== ============================================== Args: Returns: """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): """ :param model: :py:class:`Model` :param kwargs: """ # super(Scan, self).__init__(model, **kwargs) self.model = self.read_model(model) self.kwargs = kwargs default_report_name = os.path.split(self.model.copasi_file)[1][:-4] + '_PE_results.txt' self.default_properties = {'metabolites': self.model.metabolites, 'global_quantities': self.model.global_quantities, 'variable': self.model.metabolites[0], 'quantity_type': 'concentration', 'report_name': default_report_name, 'append': False, 'confirm_overwrite': False, 'update_model': False, 'subtask': 'parameter_estimation', 'report_type': 'profile_likelihood', 'output_in_subtask': False, 'adjust_initial_conditions': False, 'number_of_steps': 10, 'maximum': 100, 'minimum': 0.01, 'log10': False, 'distribution_type': 'normal', 'scan_type': 'scan', # scan object specific (for scan and random_sampling scan_types) 'scheduled': True, 'save': False, 'clear_scans': True, # if true, will remove all scans present then add new scan 'run': False} self.default_properties.update(self.kwargs) self.convert_bool_to_numeric(self.default_properties) self.update_properties(self.default_properties) self.check_integrity(list(self.default_properties.keys()), list(self.kwargs.keys())) self._do_checks() ## conflicts with other classes in base ## class so just convert the scan log10 argument ## to numeric string here if self.log10 == False: self.log10 = str(0) else: self.log10 = str(1) self.model = self.define_report() self.model = self.create_scan() self.model = self.set_scan_options() if self.execute()
def __str__(self): types = {v: k for (k, v) in list(self.scan_type_numbers.items())} subtasks = {v: k for (k, v) in list(self.subtask_numbers.items())} return "Scan(scan_type='{}', subtask='{}', variable='{}', report_type='{}', " \ "report_name='{}', number_of_steps='{}', minimum={}, maximum={})".format( types[self.scan_type], subtasks[self.subtask],, self.report_type, self.report_name, self.number_of_steps, self.minimum, self.maximum ) def _do_checks(self): """Varify integrity of user input :return: Args: Returns: """ if isinstance(self.variable, str): self.variable = self.get_variable_from_string(self.model, self.variable) if self.variable != []: try: if not in self.model.all_variable_names: raise errors.InputError( '"{}" not in model. These are in your model: {}'.format(, self.model.all_variable_names ) ) ##catch for local variables which requires match by global name except errors.InputError: if self.variable.global_name not in self.model.all_variable_names: raise errors.InputError( '"{}" not in model. These are in your model: {}'.format(, self.model.all_variable_names ) ) if self.clear_scans == True: self.model = self.remove_scans() # if self.scan_type == 'scan': # if self.output_in_subtask !=True: # LOG.warning('output_in_subtask is False. ' # ' This means that the subtask will not output data ' # 'as it is producing that data. For Scan tasks, we need this to be ' # 'True as we would like all the output. For parameter estimations' # 'or profile likelihood, set this to False as we only want the' # 'final parameter set') # self.output_in_subtask = 'true' ##string format needed for copasi subtasks = ['steady_state', 'time_course', 'metabolic_control_anlysis', 'lyapunov_exponents', 'optimiztion', 'parameter_estimation', 'sensitivities', 'linear_noise_approximation', 'cross_section', 'time_scale_separation_analysis'] dist_types = ['normal', 'uniform', 'poisson', 'gamma'] scan_types = ['scan', 'repeat', 'random_sampling'] assert self.subtask in subtasks assert self.distribution_type in dist_types assert self.scan_type in scan_types # numericify the some keyword arguments self.subtask_numbers = [0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 9, 12, 11, 8] self.subtask_numbers = dict(list(zip(subtasks, [str(i) for i in self.subtask_numbers]))) for i, j in list(self.subtask_numbers.items()): if i == self.subtask: self.subtask = j scan_type_numbers = [1, 0, 2] self.scan_type_numbers = dict(list(zip(scan_types, [str(i) for i in scan_type_numbers]))) for i, j in list(self.scan_type_numbers.items()): if i == self.scan_type: self.scan_type = j for i in zip(scan_types, scan_type_numbers): if i[0] == self.scan_type: self.scan_type = str(i[1]) dist_types_numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3] self.dist_type_numbers = dict(list(zip(dist_types, [str(i) for i in dist_types_numbers]))) for i, j in list(self.dist_type_numbers.items()): if i == self.distribution_type: self.distribution_type = j # for i in zip(dist_types, dist_types_numbers): # if i[0] == self.distribution_type: # self.distribution_type = str(i[1]) ## allow a user to input a string not pycotools3.model class if isinstance(self.variable, str): if self.variable in [ for i in self.model.metabolites]: self.variable = self.model.get('metabolite', self.variable, by='name') elif self.variable in [ for i in self.model.global_quantities]: self.variable = self.model.get('global_quantity', self.variable, by='name') elif self.variable in [ for i in self.model.local_parameters]: self.variable = self.model.get('local_parameter', self.variable, by='global_name')
[docs] def define_report(self): """Use Report class to create report :return: Args: Returns: """ self.report_dict = {} self.report_dict['metabolites'] = self.metabolites self.report_dict['global_quantities'] = self.global_quantities self.report_dict['quantity_type'] = self.quantity_type self.report_dict['report_name'] = self.report_name self.report_dict['append'] = self.append self.report_dict['confirm_overwrite'] = self.confirm_overwrite self.report_dict['variable'] = self.variable self.report_dict['report_type'] = self.report_type R = Reports(self.model.copasi_file, **self.report_dict) return R.model
[docs] def get_report_key(self): """ """ # ammend the time course option if self.report_type.lower() == 'time_course': self.report_type = 'time-course' key = None for i in self.model.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): if i.attrib['name'].lower() == self.report_type.lower(): key = i.attrib['key'] if key == None: raise errors.ReportDoesNotExistError( 'Report doesn\'t exist. Check to see if you have either defined the report manually or used the pycopi.Reports class') return key
[docs] def create_scan(self): """metabolite cn: CN=Root,Model=New Model,Vector=Compartments[nuc],Vector=Metabolites[A],Reference=InitialConcentration"/> :return: Args: Returns: """ ## get model entity if variable is a string if isinstance(self.variable, str): metab = self.model.get('metabolite', self.variable, by='name') glob = self.model.get('global_quantity', self.variable, by='name') loca = self.model.get('local_parameter', self.variable, by='global_name') ##small bit of extra code to check that ## we only have one self.variable metab_for_checking = [] glob_for_checking = [] loca_for_checking = [] if not isinstance(metab, list): metab_for_checking = [metab] if not isinstance(glob, list): glob_for_checking = [glob] if not isinstance(loca, list): loca_for_checking = [loca] all = metab_for_checking + glob_for_checking + loca_for_checking if len(all) > 1: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( 'Getting variable from model but matched more than one entity') if metab != []: self.variable = metab if glob != []: self.variable = glob if loca != []: self.variable = loca # get cn value ## if variable is a metabolite if in [ for i in self.model.metabolites]: if self.quantity_type == 'concentration': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, self.variable.compartment.reference, self.variable.initial_reference) elif self.quantity_type == 'particle_numbers': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, self.variable.compartment.reference, self.variable.initial_particle_reference) elif in [ for i in self.model.global_quantities]: cn = '{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, self.variable.initial_reference) elif in [ for i in self.model.local_parameters]: reaction = self.model.get('reaction', self.variable.reaction_name, by='name') cn = '{},{},{}'.format(self.model.reference, reaction.reference, self.variable.value_reference) number_of_steps_attrib = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Number of steps', 'value': str(self.number_of_steps)} scan_item_attrib = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'Object', 'value': cn} type_attrib = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Type', 'value': self.scan_type} maximum_attrib = {'type': 'float', 'name': 'Maximum', 'value': str(self.maximum)} minimum_attrib = {'type': 'float', 'name': 'Minimum', 'value': str(self.minimum)} log_attrib = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'log', 'value': self.log10} dist_type_attrib = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Distribution type', 'value': self.distribution_type} scanItem_element = etree.Element('ParameterGroup', attrib={'name': 'ScanItem'}) ## regular scan if self.scan_type == '1': etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_steps_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=scan_item_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=type_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=maximum_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=minimum_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=log_attrib) ## repeat scan elif self.scan_type == '0': etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_steps_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=type_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=scan_item_attrib) ## distribution scan elif self.scan_type == '2': etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_steps_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=type_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=scan_item_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=minimum_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=maximum_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=log_attrib) etree.SubElement(scanItem_element, 'Parameter', attrib=dist_type_attrib) query = '//*[@name="ScanItems"]' for i in self.model.xml.xpath(query): i.append(scanItem_element) return self.model
[docs] def set_scan_options(self): """ """ report_attrib = {'append': self.append, 'target': self.report_name, 'reference': self.get_report_key(), 'confirmOverwrite': self.confirm_overwrite} if self.output_in_subtask == True: self.output_in_subtask = 'true' elif self.output_in_subtask == False: self.output_in_subtask = 'false' subtask_attrib = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Subtask', 'value': self.subtask} output_in_subtask_attrib = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'Output in subtask', 'value': self.output_in_subtask} adjust_initial_conditions_attrib = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'Adjust initial conditions', 'value': self.adjust_initial_conditions} scheduled_attrib = {'scheduled': self.scheduled, 'updateModel': self.update_model} R = etree.Element('Report', attrib=report_attrib) query = '//*[@name="Scan"]' ''' If scan task already has a report element defined, modify it, otherwise create a new report element directly under the ScanTask element ''' scan_task = self.model.xml.xpath(query)[0] if scan_task[0].tag == '{}Problem': scan_task.insert(0, R) elif scan_task[0].tag == '{}Report': scan_task[0].attrib.update(report_attrib) for i in self.model.xml.xpath(query): i.attrib.update(scheduled_attrib) for j in list(i): for k in list(j): if k.attrib['name'] == 'Subtask': k.attrib.update(subtask_attrib) if k.attrib['name'] == 'Output in subtask': k.attrib.update(output_in_subtask_attrib) if k.attrib['name'] == 'Adjust initial conditions': k.attrib.update(adjust_initial_conditions_attrib) return self.model
[docs] def remove_scans(self): """Remove all scans that have been defined. :return: Args: Returns: """ query = '//*[@name="ScanItems"]' for i in self.model.xml.xpath(query): for j in i: j.getparent().remove(j) return self.model
[docs] def execute(self): """ """ R = Run(self.model, task='scan',
class _ParameterEstimationBase(_Task): """ These are methods that are needed in more than one of the Parameter estimation classes """ @staticmethod def _read_data(fname, sep): """ Reads data into pandas dataframe. This function is only for the situation where a datafile contains a single experiment. See :py:meth:`_read_data_multiple_experiments` for function that supports multiple experiments per file. Args: experiment: Returns: """ data = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep) # return line numbers as nested list to make consistent with _read_data_multiple_experiments return data, [1, data.shape[0] + 1] @staticmethod def _read_data_multiple_experiments(fname, sep): with open(fname, 'r') as f: data = data = data.split('\n\n') df1 = pandas.read_csv(StringIO(data[0]), sep=sep) data = data[1:] dfs = [pandas.read_csv(StringIO(i), sep=sep) for i in data] for i in dfs: i.columns = df1.columns data = [df1] + dfs # figure out what the line numbers are line_numbers = [] for i, df in enumerate(data): if i == 0: start = 1 end = df.shape[0] + 1 line_numbers.append((start, end)) else: start = end + 2 end = start + df.shape[0] line_numbers.append((start, end)) if len(line_numbers) != len(data): raise ValueError('Huston, we have a problem') return data, line_numbers
[docs]@mixin(model.GetModelComponentFromStringMixin) @mixin(model.ReadModelMixin) class ParameterEstimation(_ParameterEstimationBase): """ Interface to COPASI's parameter estimation task Examples: Assuming a :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` object has been configured and is called `config` >>> pe = ParameterEstimation(config) """ valid_methods = ['current_solution_statistics', 'differential_evolution', 'evolutionary_strategy_sr', 'evolutionary_program', 'hooke_jeeves', 'levenberg_marquardt', 'nelder_mead', 'particle_swarm', 'praxis', 'random_search', 'simulated_annealing', 'steepest_descent', 'truncated_newton', 'scatter_search', 'genetic_algorithm', 'genetic_algorithm_sr'] @staticmethod class _Defaults: """ Class holding the defaults arguments for ParameterEstimation """ def __init__(self): """ Calls all the methods in the class which are essentially organised sets of default parameters """ self.experiments = self._experiments() self.validations = self._validations() self.datasets = self._datasets() self.fit_items = self._fit_items() self.constraint_items = self._constraint_items() self.settings = self._settings() def _datasets(self): """ store default datasets argument""" return { 'validations': {} } @staticmethod def _mappings(filename: str, sep: str): """ Args: filename (str): the filename of the data file to be mapped sep (str): separator argument Returns: dict Object map dict for configuration of parameter estimation class """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise ValueError if not isinstance(sep, str): raise ValueError df = pandas.read_csv(filename, sep=sep) roles = {} for i in df.columns: if i.lower() == 'time': roles[i] = 'time' elif i[:-6] == '_indep': roles[i] = 'independent' else: roles[i] = 'dependent' return { i: { 'model_object': i, 'role': roles[i] } for i in list(df.columns) } def _experiments(self): """ Stores default experiment kwargs for parameter estimation class""" return { 'filename': '', 'normalize_weights_per_experiment': True, 'separator': '\t', 'affected_models': 'all', 'mappings': {}, } def _validations(self): """ Stores default validation kwargs for parameter estimation class """ return { 'filename': '', 'affected_models': 'all', 'normalize_weights_per_experiment': True, 'separator': '\t', 'mappings': {}, } def _fit_items(self): """ Stores default fit_item kwargs for parameter estimation class """ return { 'lower_bound': 1e-6, 'upper_bound': 1e6, 'start_value': 'model_value', 'affected_experiments': 'all', 'affected_validation_experiments': 'all', 'affected_models': 'all' } def _constraint_items(self): """ Stores default constraint item kwargs for parameter estimation class """ return { 'lower_bound': 1e-6, 'upper_bound': 1e6, 'start_value': 'model_value', 'affected_experiments': 'all', 'affected_validation_experiments': 'all', 'affected_models': 'all', } def _settings(self): """ Stores default setting kwargs for parameter estimation class""" return { 'copy_number': 1, 'pe_number': 1, 'results_directory': 'ParameterEstimationData', 'config_filename': 'config.yml', 'overwrite_config_file': False, 'update_model': False, 'randomize_start_values': False, 'create_parameter_sets': False, 'calculate_statistics': False, 'use_config_start_values': False, 'method': 'genetic_algorithm', 'number_of_generations': 200, 'population_size': 50, 'random_number_generator': 1, 'seed': 0, 'pf': 0.475, 'iteration_limit': 50, 'tolerance': 0.00001, 'rho': 0.2, 'scale': 10, 'swarm_size': 50, 'std_deviation': 0.000001, 'number_of_iterations': 100000, 'start_temperature': 1, 'cooling_factor': 0.85, 'lower_bound': 0.000001, 'upper_bound': 1000000, 'start_value': 0.1, 'save': False, 'run_mode': False, 'working_directory': '', 'quantity_type': 'concentration', 'report_name': 'PEData.txt', 'problem': 'Problem1', 'fit': 1, 'weight_method': 'mean_squared', 'validation_weight': 1, 'validation_threshold': 5, 'max_active': 3, 'prefix': None, 'context': 's', 'pl_upper_bound': 1000, 'pl_lower_bound': 1000, 'cross_validation_depth': 1, 'starting_parameter_sets': None, }
[docs] @staticmethod class Config(_ParameterEstimationBase, Bunch): """ A parameter estimation configuration class Stores as attibutes all the settings needed for configuration of a parameter estimation using COPASI. Base class is a :py:class:`Bunch` Structure of a :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` Object has four main sections: - models - datasets - items - settings Examples: >>> ## create a model >>> antimony_string = ''' ... model TestModel1() ... R1: A => B; k1*A; ... R2: B => A; k2*B ... A = 1 ... B = 0 ... k1 = 4; ... k2 = 9; ... end ... ''' >>> copasi_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'example_model.cps') >>> mod = moddel.loada(antimony_string, copasi_filename) >>> ## Simulate some data from the model and write to file >>> fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'timeseries.txt') >>> data = self.model.simulate(0, 10, 11) >>> data.to_csv(fname) >>> >>> ## create nested dict containing all the relevant arguments for your configuration >>> config_dict = dict( ... models=dict( ... ## model name is the users choice here ... example1=dict( ... copasi_file=copasi_filename ... ) ... ), ... datasets=dict( ... experiments=dict( ... ## experiment names are the users choice ... report1=dict( ... filename=self.TC1.report_name, ... ), ... ), ... ## our validations entry is empty here ... ## but if you have validation data this should ... ## be the same as the experiments section ... validations=dict(), ... ), ... items=dict( ... fit_items=dict( ... A=dict( ... affected_experiments='report1' ... ), ... B=dict( ... affected_validation_experiments=['report2'] ... ), ... k1={}, ... k2={}, ... ), ... constraint_items=dict( ... k1=dict( ... lower_bound=1e-2, ... upper_bound=10 ... ) ... ) ... ), ... settings=dict( ... method='genetic_algorithm_sr', ... population_size=2, ... number_of_generations=2, ... working_directory=os.path.dirname(__file__), ... copy_number=4, ... pe_number=2, ... weight_method='value_scaling', ... validation_weight=2.5, ... validation_threshold=9, ... randomize_start_values=True, ... calculate_statistics=False, ... create_parameter_sets=False ... ) ... ) >>> config = ParameterEstimation.Config(**config_dict) """ def __init__(self, models, datasets, items, settings={}, defaults=None): """ Initialisation method for Config class Args: models (dict): Dict containing model names and paths to copasi files datasets(dict): Dict containing experiments and validation experiments items(dict): Dict containing fit items and constraint items settings(dict): Dict containing all other settings for parameter estimation defaults(ParameterEstimation._Defaults): Custom set of Defaults to use for unspecified arguments Returns: """ self.models = models self.datasets = datasets self.items = items self.settings = settings self.defaults = defaults if self.defaults is None: self.defaults = ParameterEstimation._Defaults() if not isinstance(self.defaults, ParameterEstimation._Defaults): raise TypeError('incorrect defaults argument') self.kwargs = Bunch.fromDict({ 'models': self.models, 'datasets': self.datasets, 'items': self.items, 'settings': self.settings }) for kw in self.kwargs: setattr(self, kw, self.kwargs[kw]) self._load_models() self.configure() self._validate_integrity_of_user_input() def __iter__(self): for attr in self.kwargs.keys(): yield attr def __str__(self): return self.to_yaml() def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Output arguments as json Returns: str All arguments in json format """ kwargs = deepcopy(self.kwargs) for k, v in kwargs.models.items(): for k2, v2 in kwargs.models[k].items(): if k2 == 'model': kwargs.models[k][k2] = str(kwargs.models[k][k2]) return json.dumps(kwargs, indent=4)
[docs] def from_json(self, string): """ Create config object from json format Args: string (Str): a valid json string Returns: ParameterEstimation.Config """ raise NotImplementedError('Do this when needed')
[docs] def to_yaml(self, filename=None): """ Output arguments as yaml Args: filename (str, None): If not None (default), path to write yaml configuration to Returns: Config object as string in yaml format """ kwargs = deepcopy(self.kwargs) for k, v in kwargs.models.items(): for k2, v2 in kwargs.models[k].items(): if k2 == 'model': kwargs.models[k][k2] = str(kwargs.models[k][k2]) yml = bunch.toYAML(kwargs) if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(yml) return yml
[docs] def from_yaml(self, yml): """ Read config object from yaml file Args: yml (str): full path to text file containing configuration arguments in yaml format Returns: ParameterEstimation.Config """ if os.path.isfile(yml): with open(yml, 'r') as f: yml_string = else: yml_string = yml raise NotImplementedError('Do this when needed')
@staticmethod def _add_defaults_to_dict(dct, defaults): """ Args: dct: defaults: Returns: """ for k in defaults: if k not in dct: dct[k] = defaults[k] return dct def _validate_integrity_of_user_input(self): """ Ensure user input is accurate Returns: None """ for i in self.settings: if i not in self.defaults.settings.keys(): raise errors.InputError( '"{}" is an invalid argument for "settings". These are valid ' 'arguments: "{}"'.format(i, list(self.defaults.settings.keys())) ) if not isinstance(self.models, dict): raise errors.InputError( 'The "models" argument should be a dict containing' ' model names as keys and "model.Model" object or "copasi file"' ) if not isinstance(self.datasets, dict): raise TypeError( 'The "datasets" argument should be a nested dict containing' ' "experiments" and/or "validations" dicts' ) if not isinstance(self.items, dict): raise TypeError( 'The "items" argument should be a nested dict containing' ' "fit_items" and/or "constraint_items" dicts' ) if not isinstance(self.settings, dict): raise TypeError( 'The "settings" argument should be a dict containing' ' arguments to valid settings.' ) if self.settings.working_directory in ['', False, None] or not os.path.isdir( self.settings.working_directory): raise errors.InputError( 'A valid argument must be given to config.settings.working_directory. Got "{}"'.format( self.settings.working_directory )) exp_names = list(self.datasets.experiments.keys()) exp_filenames = [self.datasets.experiments[i].filename for i in self.datasets.experiments] if len(set(exp_names)) != len(set(exp_filenames)): raise errors.InputError( f'Your experiment filenames are not unique. It is likely that you ' f'have the same experiment file under multiple experiment names' ) val_exp_names = list(self.datasets.validations.keys()) val_exp_filenames = [self.datasets.validations[i].filename for i in self.datasets.validations] if len(set(val_exp_names)) != len(set(val_exp_filenames)): raise errors.InputError( f'Your experiment filenames are not unique. It is likely that you ' f'have the same experiment file under multiple experiment names' ) def _load_models(self): """ Load models from disk User usually specifies a copasi_file as argument. This method loads the copasi file into a :py:class:`model.Model` object and stores a reference to the model under the `model` entry of the `models` tag. Returns: This method operates inplace and returns None """ for mod in self.models: if 'model' not in self.models[mod].keys(): if 'copasi_file' not in self.models[mod].keys(): raise errors.InputError('Config object is ill informed. Please specify ' 'either a string argument to the copasi_file keyword ' 'or a pycotools3.model.Model object to the model keyword') if 'copasi_file' in self.models[mod].keys(): self.models[mod]['model'] = model.Model(self.models[mod].copasi_file)
[docs] def configure(self): """ Configure the class for production of parameter estimation config Like a main method for this class. Uses the other methods in the class to configure a :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config object` Returns: Operates inplace and returns None """ ## adds any settings that are missing from defaults. for k in self.defaults.settings: if k not in self.settings: self.settings[k] = self.defaults.settings[k] for k in self.defaults.datasets: if k not in self.datasets: self.datasets[k] = self.defaults.datasets[k] self._set_default_experiments() self._set_default_validation_experiments() self._set_default_fit_items() self._set_default_constraint_items()
def _set_default_experiments(self): """ Configure missing entries for datasets.experiments with defaults Returns: None, the method operates on class attributes inplace """ for experiment_name in self.experiment_names: # determine whether the experiment_name has been appended with a number for multi experiments per file (i.e. exp1_0) match = re.findall('(.*)_MultiExperiment\d+$', experiment_name) if match != []: experiment_name = match[0] for default_kwarg in self.defaults.experiments: if default_kwarg not in self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name]: self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name][default_kwarg] = self.defaults.experiments[ default_kwarg] if self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].affected_models == 'all': self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].affected_models = list(self.models.keys())[0] if len( self.models.keys()) == 1 else list(self.models.keys()) if isinstance(self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name]['affected_models'], str): self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name]['affected_models'] = [ self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name]['affected_models']] if self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].mappings == {}: self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].mappings = Bunch.fromDict(self.defaults._mappings( self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].filename, self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].separator) ) for mapping in self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].mappings: mapp = self.datasets.experiments[experiment_name].mappings.get(mapping) if mapp.role != 'time': model_keys = list(self.models.keys()) mod = self.models[model_keys[0]].model model_obj = [] try: model_obj = self.get_variable_from_string( mod, mapp.model_object[:-6] if mapp.model_object[-6:] == '_indep' else mapp.model_object ) except errors.InputError: LOG.warning(f'skipping variable "{mapp.model_object}" as it was not found in ' f'model "{mod}"') if mapp == {}: mapp = { 'model_object': mapping, 'role': 'dependent', 'object_type': type(model_obj).__name__ } else: mapp.update({'object_type': type(model_obj).__name__}) def _set_default_validation_experiments(self): """ Configure missing entries for datasets.validations with defaults Returns: None, the method operates on class attributes inplace """ if self.datasets.validations is None: return {} validations = self.datasets.validations for validation_experiment in self.validation_names: validation_dataset = validations.get(validation_experiment) validation_defaults = self.defaults.validations for default_kwarg in validation_defaults: if default_kwarg not in validation_dataset: validation_dataset[default_kwarg] = validation_defaults[default_kwarg] if validation_dataset.affected_models == 'all': validation_dataset.affected_models = list(self.models.keys())[0] if len( self.models.keys()) == 1 else list(self.models.keys()) if validation_dataset.mappings == {}: validation_dataset.mappings = Bunch.fromDict(self.defaults._mappings( validation_dataset.filename, validation_dataset.separator) ) for mapping in validation_dataset.mappings: mapp = validation_dataset.mappings.get(mapping) if mapp.role != 'time': model_keys = list(self.models.keys()) mod = self.models[model_keys[0]].model model_obj = self.get_variable_from_string( mod, mapp.model_object[:-6] if mapp.model_object[-6:] == '_indep' else mapp.model_object ) if mapp == {}: mapp = { 'model_object': mapping, 'role': 'dependent', 'object_type': type(model_obj).__name__ } else: mapp.update({'object_type': type(model_obj).__name__}) self.datasets.validations[validation_experiment].mappings[mapping] = mapp def _set_default_fit_items(self): """ Configure missing entries for items.fit_items with defaults Returns: None. Method operates inplace on class attributes """ if isinstance(self.items.fit_items, str): self.set_default_fit_items_str() else: self.set_default_fit_items_dct()
[docs] def set_default_fit_items_str(self): """ Configure missing entries for items.fit_items when they are strings pointing towards model variables Returns: None. Method operates inplace on class attributes """ if not isinstance(self.items.fit_items, str): raise TypeError estimated_variables = {} for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model estimated_variables[model_name] = mod.get_variable_names( self.items.fit_items, include_assignments=False, prefix=self.settings.prefix ) dct = {} for model_name in estimated_variables: dct[model_name] = {} for parameter in estimated_variables[model_name]: dct[model_name][parameter] = {} estimated_variables = dct for model_name in self.models: dct = {} for fit_item in estimated_variables[model_name]: item = estimated_variables[model_name][fit_item] if item == {}: item = self.defaults.fit_items else: for i in self.defaults.fit_items: if i not in item: item[i] = self.defaults.fit_items[i] # makes sure we respect the start_value, lower_bound and upper_bound values specified by # context.set method item['lower_bound'] = self.settings['lower_bound'] item['upper_bound'] = self.settings['upper_bound'] item['start_value'] = self.settings['start_value'] if item['affected_experiments'] == 'all': if isinstance(self.experiment_names, str): item['affected_experiments'] = [self.experiment_names] else: item['affected_experiments'] = self.experiment_names if item['affected_validation_experiments'] == 'all': if isinstance(self.validation_names, str): item['affected_validation_experiments'] = [self.validation_names] else: item['affected_validation_experiments'] = self.validation_names if item['affected_models'] == 'all': item['affected_models'] = [i for i in self.models if fit_item in self.models[model_name].model] dct[fit_item] = item self.items.fit_items = Bunch.fromDict(dct)
[docs] def set_default_fit_items_dct(self): """ Configure missing entries for items.fit_items when they are in nested dict format Returns: None. Method operates inplace on class attributes """ ## remove fit items if prefix condition is not satisified for fit_item in self.items.fit_items: item = self.items.fit_items.get(fit_item) self.defaults.fit_items['upper_bound'] = self.settings.upper_bound self.defaults.fit_items['lower_bound'] = self.settings.lower_bound if item == {}: item = self.defaults.fit_items else: for i in self.defaults.fit_items: if i not in item: item[i] = self.defaults.fit_items[i] ## set lower bound, upper bound and model value ## if start_value is model_value, we cannot resolve here as ## we need the model to get the value. This is resolved in the main class if item['start_value'] != 'model_value': item['start_value'] = self.settings.start_value if item['affected_experiments'] == 'all': if isinstance(self.experiment_names, str): item['affected_experiments'] = [self.experiment_names] else: item['affected_experiments'] = self.experiment_names if isinstance(item['affected_experiments'], str): item['affected_experiments'] = [item['affected_experiments']] if item['affected_validation_experiments'] == 'all': if isinstance(self.validation_names, str): item['affected_validation_experiments'] = [self.validation_names] else: item['affected_validation_experiments'] = self.validation_names if item['affected_models'] == 'all': item['affected_models'] = list(self.models.keys()) self.items.fit_items[fit_item] = Bunch.fromDict(item) # ## caters for the situation where we define a config file but ## need to update it due to a change in prefix argument tmp_dct = {} if self.settings.prefix is not None: if not isinstance(self.settings.prefix, str): raise TypeError(f'config.settings.prefix argument should be of type "str"') tmp = {fit_item: self.items.fit_items[fit_item] for fit_item in self.items.fit_items if fit_item.startswith(self.settings.prefix)} self.items.fit_items = Bunch.fromDict(tmp)
def _set_default_constraint_items(self): """ Configure missing entries for items.constraint_items when they are strings pointing towards model variables Returns: None. Method operates inplace on class attributes """ if 'constraint_items' in self.items: if self.items.constraint_items == {}: item = {} for constraint_item in self.items.constraint_items: item = self.items.constraint_items.get(constraint_item) if item == {}: item = self.defaults.constraint_items else: for i in self.defaults.constraint_items: if i not in item: item[i] = self.defaults.constraint_items[i] if item.affected_experiments == 'all': if isinstance(self.experiment_names, str): item.affected_experiments = [self.experiment_names] else: item.affected_experiments = self.experiment_names if item.affected_validation_experiments == 'all': if isinstance(self.validation_names, str): item.affected_validation_experiments = [self.validation_names] else: item.affected_validation_experiments = self.validation_names if item.affected_models == 'all': item.affected_models = list(self.models.keys()) self.items.constraint_items[constraint_item] = Bunch.fromDict(item) # else: # self.items['constraint_items'] = {} @property def experiments(self): """ The experiments property Returns: datasets.experiments as dict """ return self.datasets.experiments @property def multi_experiments(self): """ List of experiment names that have more than one experiment separated by blank line Returns (tuple): (list, int) """ for experiment_name in self.experiments: fname = self.experiments[experiment_name].filename # detect whether multiple experiments are in one data file multiple_experiments = [] with open(fname) as f: data_str = match = re.findall('\n\n\w', data_str) if match != []: assert len(match) == 1 multiple_experiments.append(experiment_name) # and count the experiments num_experiments = len(data_str.strip().split('\n\n')) return multiple_experiments, num_experiments @property def validations(self): """ The validations property Returns: datasets.validations as dict """ return self.datasets.validations @property def experiment_filenames(self): """ Returns: A list of experiment filesnames """ filenames = [] for i in self.experiments: filenames.append(self.experiments[i].filename) return filenames @property def validation_filenames(self): """ Returns: a list of validation filenames """ filenames = [] for i in self.validations: filenames.append(self.validations[i].filename) return filenames @property def experiment_names(self): """ Returns: A list of experiment names """ experiment_names = [] for experiment_name in self.experiments: fname = self.experiments[experiment_name].filename # detect whether multiple experiments are in one data file num_experiments = 1 multiple_experiments = False with open(fname) as f: data_str = match = re.findall('\n\n\w', data_str) if match != []: multiple_experiments = True # and count the experiments num_experiments = len(data_str.strip().split('\n\n')) assert num_experiments > 1, "was expecting more than 1 experiment but got {}".format( num_experiments) if multiple_experiments: experiment_names += [experiment_name + '_MultiExperiment' + str(j) for j in range(num_experiments)] else: experiment_names.append(experiment_name) return experiment_names @property def validation_names(self): """ Returns: A list of validation names """ validation_names = [] for i in self.validations: validation_names.append(i) return validation_names @property def models_affected_experiments(self): """ Get which experiment datasets affect which models Returns: dict. Keys are model names, value are list of affected models """ dct = {} for model_name in self.models: dct[model_name] = [] for experiment_name in self.experiments: if model_name in self.experiments[experiment_name].affected_models: dct[model_name].append(experiment_name) return dct @property def models_affected_validation_experiments(self): """ Get which experiment datasets affect which models Returns: dict. Keys are model names, value are list of affected models """ dct = {} for model_name in self.models: dct[model_name] = [] for experiment_name in self.validations: if model_name in self.validations[experiment_name].affected_models: dct[model_name].append(experiment_name) return dct @property def model_objects(self): """ Returns: A list of model objects for mapping """ model_obj = [] for i in self.experiment_names: match = re.findall('(.*)_MultiExperiment\d+$', i) if match != []: i = match[0] for j in self.experiments[i].mappings: if self.experiments[i].mappings[j] is not None: model_obj.append(self.experiments[i].mappings[j].model_object) for i in self.validation_names: match = re.findall('(.*)_\d+$', i) if match != []: i = match[0] for j in self.validations[i].mappings: if self.validations[i].mappings[j] is not None: model_obj.append(self.validations[i].mappings[j].model_object) return list(set(model_obj)) @property def fit_items(self): """ Returns: The fit items as nested dict """ return self.items.fit_items @property def constraint_items(self): """ Returns: The constraint items as nested dict """ return self.items.constraint_items
[docs] def __init__(self, config): """ Configure a the parameter estimation task in copasi Pycotools supports all the features of parameter estimation configuration as copasi, plus a few additional ones (such as the affected models setting). Args: config (ParameterEstimation.Config): An appropriately configured :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` class Examples: See :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` or :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Context` for detailed information on how to produce a :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` object. Note that the :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Context` class is higher level and should be the preferred way of constructing a :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` object while the :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` class gives you the same level of control as copasi but is bulkier to write. Assuming the :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` class has already been created >>> pe = ParameterEstimation(config) """ self.config = config self.do_checks() self.model_copies = self._setup() if self.config.settings.run_mode is not False:
[docs] def do_checks(self): """ validate integrity of user input""" if not isinstance(self.config, self.Config): raise errors.InputError( f'config argument is of type {type(self.config)} ' f'but was expecting an instance of ' f'ParameterEstimation.Config' )
def __str__(self): return f"ParameterEstimation(\n\t{self.config}\n)" @property def problem_dir(self): """ Property holding the directory where the parameter estimation problem is stored Returns: str. A directory. """ dire = os.path.join(self.config.settings.working_directory, f'{self.config.settings.problem}') if not os.path.isdir(dire): os.makedirs(dire) return dire @property def fit_dir(self): """ Property holding the directory where the parameter estimation fitting occurs. This can be enumerated under a single problem directory to group similar parameter estimations Returns: str. A directory. """ dire = os.path.join(self.problem_dir, f'Fit{}') if not os.path.isdir(dire): os.makedirs(dire) return dire @property def models_dir(self): """ A directory containing models Each model will be configured in a different directory when multiple models are being configured simultaneously Returns: dct. Location of models directories """ dct = {} for model_name in self.models: dct[model_name] = os.path.join(self.fit_dir, model_name) if not os.path.isdir(dct[model_name]): os.makedirs(dct[model_name]) return dct @property def results_directory(self): """ A directory containing results, parameter estimation report files from copasi Each model configured will have their own results directory Returns: dict[model] = results_directory """ dct = {} for model_name in self.models: dct[model_name] = os.path.join( self.models_dir[model_name], self.config.settings.results_directory ) if not os.path.isdir(dct[model_name]): os.makedirs(dct[model_name]) return dct
[docs] def get_model_objects_from_strings(self): """ Get model objects from the strings provided by the user in the Config class :return: list of `model.Model` objects Returns: list of model objects """ number_of_model_objects_in_parameter_estimation = len(self.config.model_objects) model_objs = [] for mod in self.config.models: for obj in self.config.model_objects: current_model = self.config.models[mod].model try: model_objs.append( self.get_variable_from_string(current_model, obj) ) number_of_model_objects_in_parameter_estimation -= 1 if number_of_model_objects_in_parameter_estimation == 0: break ## allow a mechanism for iterating over models that ## do not all have the same variables except errors.InputError: continue return model_objs
@property def metabolites(self): """ Returns: list of strings of metabolites in the model """ return [ for i in self.get_model_objects_from_strings() if isinstance(i, model.Metabolite)] @property def local_parameters(self): """ Returns: list of strings of local parameters in the model """ return [ for i in self.get_model_objects_from_strings() if isinstance(i, model.LocalParameter)] @property def global_quantities(self): """ Returns: list of strings of global quantities present in the models """ return [ for i in self.get_model_objects_from_strings() if isinstance(i, model.GlobalQuantity)] @property def _report_arguments(self): """collect report specific arguments in a dict :return: dict Returns: dict[arg] = value """ # report specific arguments report_dict = {} report_dict['metabolites'] = self.metabolites report_dict['global_quantities'] = self.global_quantities report_dict['local_parameters'] = self.local_parameters report_dict['quantity_type'] = self.config.settings.quantity_type report_dict['report_name'] = self.config.settings.report_name report_dict['append'] = False report_dict['confirm_overwrite'] = False report_dict['report_type'] = 'multi_parameter_estimation' return report_dict def _define_report(self): """create parameter estimation report for result collection :return: pycotools3.model.Model Returns: the models attribute """ for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model for glo in self._report_arguments['global_quantities']: if glo not in [ for i in mod.global_quantities]: del self._report_arguments['global_quantities'][glo] for loc in self._report_arguments['global_quantities']: if loc not in [ for i in mod.global_quantities]: del self._report_arguments['global_quantities'][loc] for met in self._report_arguments['metabolites']: if met not in [ for i in mod.metabolites]: del self._report_arguments['metabolites'][met] self.models[model_name].model = Reports(mod, **self._report_arguments).model return self.models def _get_report_key(self): """After creating the report to collect results, this method gets the corresponding key There is probably a more efficient way to do this but this works... :return: Args: Returns: """ keys = {} for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model for i in mod.xml.find('{}ListOfReports'): if i.attrib['name'].lower() == 'multi_parameter_estimation': key = i.attrib['key'] assert key is not None keys[model_name] = key return keys @property def models(self): """ Get models Returns: the models entry of the :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` object """ return self.config.models @models.setter def models(self, models): """ Set models attribute Args: models: dict Returns: None """ self.config.models = models @property def _experiments(self): """ Returns: A dict containing a list of experiments pertinent for each model being configured """ existing_experiment_list_dct = {} query = '//*[@name="Experiment Set"]' for mod in self.models: existing_experiment_list = [] m = self.models[mod].model for i in m.xml.xpath(query): for j in list(i): existing_experiment_list.append(j) existing_experiment_list_dct[mod] = existing_experiment_list return existing_experiment_list_dct @property def _validations(self): """ Returns: A dict containing a list of validation experiments pertinent for each model being configured """ existing_validation_list_dct = {} query = '//*[@name="Experiment Set"]' for mod in self.models: existing_validation_list = [] m = self.models[mod].model for i in m.xml.xpath(query): for j in list(i): existing_validation_list.append(j) existing_validation_list_dct[mod] = existing_validation_list return existing_validation_list_dct @staticmethod def _create_metabolite_reference(mod, parent, metabolite, role): """ Build a xml entry from :py:class:`model.Metabolite` Args: mod (model.Model): The model being configured parent: The parent xml element metabolite: a :py:class:`model.Metabolite` object role: role of metabolite ('dependent' or 'independent') Returns: etree.Element containing COAPSI reference to metabolite """ if not isinstance(metabolite, model.Metabolite): raise ValueError('Input should be "model.Metabolite" class. Got "{}"'.format(type(metabolite))) if role == 'independent': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(mod.reference, metabolite.compartment.reference, metabolite.initial_reference) elif role == 'dependent': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(mod.reference, metabolite.compartment.reference, metabolite.transient_reference) else: raise ValueError ics_attrs = { 'type': 'cn', 'name': 'Object CN', 'value': cn } return etree.SubElement(parent, 'Parameter', attrib=ics_attrs) @staticmethod def _create_local_parameter_reference(mod, parent, local_parameter, role): """Not used because local parameters are not usually mapped to experimental variables. However, this method will be kept until the next release to ensure no bugs arise because of a lack of local parameter reference Returns: """ if not isinstance(local_parameter, model.LocalParameter): raise ValueError('Input should be "model.LocalParameter" class. Got "{}"'.format(type(local_parameter))) if role == 'independent': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(mod.reference, local_parameter.compartment.reference, local_parameter.initial_reference) elif role == 'dependent': cn = '{},{},{}'.format(mod.reference, local_parameter.compartment.reference, local_parameter.transient_reference) else: raise ValueError local_attrs = { 'type': 'cn', 'name': 'Object CN', 'value': cn } parent = etree.SubElement(parent, 'Parameter', attrib=local_attrs) return parent @staticmethod def _create_global_quantity_reference(mod, parent, global_quantity, role): """ Build a xml entry from :py:class:`model.GlobalQuantitt` Args: mod (model.Model): The model being configured parent: The parent xml element global_quantity: a :py:class:`model.GlobalQuantity` object role: role of metabolite ('dependent' or 'independent') Returns: etree.Element containing COAPSI reference to metabolite """ if not isinstance(global_quantity, model.GlobalQuantity): raise ValueError('Input should be "model.GlobalQuantity" class. Got "{}"'.format(type(global_quantity))) if role == 'independent': cn = '{},{}'.format(mod.reference, global_quantity.initial_reference) elif role == 'dependent': cn = '{},{}'.format(mod.reference, global_quantity.transient_reference) else: raise ValueError global_attrs = { 'type': 'cn', 'name': 'Object CN', 'value': cn } etree.SubElement(parent, 'Parameter', attrib=global_attrs) return parent def _assign_role(self, parent, role): """Used in create experiment to correctly map the role of each variable in experiemtnal data columns :return: Args: parent: The parent xml object role: 'ignored' (default), 'dependent', 'independent', 'time' or Returns: etree.lxml object """ # define object role attributes time_role = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Role', 'value': '3'} dependent_variable_role = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Role', 'value': '2'} independent_variable_role = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Role', 'value': '1'} ignored_role = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Role', 'value': '0'} ## assign the correct role if role == 'dependent': parent = etree.SubElement(parent, 'Parameter', attrib=dependent_variable_role) elif role == 'independent': parent = etree.SubElement(parent, 'Parameter', attrib=independent_variable_role) elif role == 'time': parent = etree.SubElement(parent, 'Parameter', attrib=time_role) elif role == 'ignored': parent = etree.SubElement(parent, 'Parameter', attrib=ignored_role) else: raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid role'.format(role)) return parent def _map1experiment(self, model_name, mod, experiment_names, experiments, keys_function, validation, query, weight_method_lookup_dct): for experiment_name in experiment_names: ## if experiment_name exists, remove and reconfigure match = re.findall('(.*)_MultiExperiment\d+$', experiment_name) try: experiment = experiments[experiment_name] except KeyError: experiment = experiments[match[0]] if not isinstance(experiment.affected_models, list): experiment.affected_models = [experiment.affected_models] ## This implements the affected_models aspect of configuration for experiments if model_name not in experiment.affected_models: message = f'Trying to map experiment "{experiment_name}" (validation={validation}) ' \ f'to model "{model_name}" but it is not in ' \ f'model "{model_name}" but it is not in ' \ f'the affected models list for this model: ' \ f'"{experiment.affected_models}". This configuration has been skipped.' ## in cross validation we expect to see some of these ## these messages whereas with other types of analysis ## they probably mean something ominus. if self.config.settings.context == 'cv': LOG.debug(message) else: LOG.warning(message) continue # detect whether multiple experiments are in one data file multiple_experiments = False with open(experiment.filename) as f: data_str = match = re.findall('\n\n\w', data_str) if match != []: multiple_experiments = True # read data differently depending on whether there are multiple experiments per file if not multiple_experiments: data, line_numbers = self._read_data(experiment.filename, experiment.separator) data = data else: data, line_numbers = self._read_data_multiple_experiments(experiment.filename, experiment.separator) # need to index the data here to match the current experiment key idx = re.findall('.*_MultiExperiment(\d+)?', experiment_name) if idx == []: raise ValueError idx = int(idx[0]) data = data[idx] line_numbers = line_numbers[idx] # This for loop is now superflous but not doing any harm. Left for now # for i, experiment in enumerate(data): experiment_type = 'steadystate' if 'time' in [i.lower() for i in data.columns]: experiment_type = 'timecourse' experiment_type = str(1) if experiment_type == 'timecourse' else str(0) num_rows = str(data.shape[0]) num_columns = str(data.shape[1]) experiment_file = {'type': 'file', 'name': 'File Name', 'value': experiment.filename} key_value = keys_function()[model_name][experiment_name] key = {'type': 'key', 'name': 'Key', 'value': key_value } # necessary XML attributes experiment_group = etree.Element('ParameterGroup', attrib={ 'name': experiment_name }) row_orientation = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'Data is Row Oriented', 'value': True} experiment_type_dct = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Experiment Type', 'value': experiment_type} first_row = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'First Row', 'value': str(line_numbers[0])} last_row = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Last Row', 'value': str(line_numbers[1])} # add 1 to account for 0 indexed python normalize_weights_per_experiment = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'Normalize Weights per Experiment', 'value': experiment.normalize_weights_per_experiment} number_of_columns = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Number of Columns', 'value': num_columns} object_map = {'name': 'Object Map'} row_containing_names = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Row containing Names', 'value': str(1)} separator = {'type': 'string', 'name': 'Separator', 'value': experiment.separator} weight_method = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Weight Method', 'value': weight_method_lookup_dct[ self.config.settings.weight_method ]} for i in [ key, experiment_file, row_orientation, first_row, last_row, experiment_type_dct, normalize_weights_per_experiment, separator, weight_method, row_containing_names, number_of_columns]: for j, k in i.items(): if isinstance(k, bool): i[j] = str(int(k)) elif isinstance(k, int): i[j] = str(k) etree.SubElement(experiment_group, 'Parameter', attrib=i) map = etree.SubElement(experiment_group, 'ParameterGroup', attrib=object_map) data_column_number = 0 for data_name in experiment.mappings: map_group = etree.SubElement(map, 'ParameterGroup', attrib={'name': str(data_column_number)}) data_column_number += 1 if experiment.mappings[data_name].model_object.lower() == 'time': self._assign_role(map_group, experiment.mappings[data_name].role) elif experiment.mappings[data_name].object_type == 'Metabolite': metab = [i for i in mod.metabolites if == experiment.mappings[data_name].model_object \ or re.findall( + '_indep', experiment.mappings[data_name].model_object) != []] assert len(metab) == 1, f"len(metab) should equal 1 but instead equals {len(metab)}" indep = [i for i in mod.metabolites if \ re.findall( + '_indep', experiment.mappings[data_name].model_object) != []] if indep != []: experiment.mappings[data_name].role = 'independent' # modifies map_group inplace self._create_metabolite_reference( mod, map_group, metab[0], experiment.mappings[data_name].role ) self._assign_role(map_group, experiment.mappings[data_name].role) elif experiment.mappings[data_name].object_type == 'GlobalQuantity': glo = [i for i in mod.global_quantities if == experiment.mappings[data_name].model_object \ or re.findall( + '_indep', experiment.mappings[data_name].model_object) != []] assert len(glo) == 1 indep = [i for i in mod.global_quantities if \ re.findall( + '_indep', experiment.mappings[data_name].model_object) != []] if indep != []: experiment.mappings[data_name].role = 'independent' self._create_global_quantity_reference( mod, map_group, glo[0], experiment.mappings[data_name].role ) self._assign_role(map_group, experiment.mappings[data_name].role) for j in mod.xml.xpath(query): j.insert(0, experiment_group) if validation: for k in list(j): if k.attrib['name'] == 'Weight': k.attrib['value'] = str(self.config.settings.validation_weight) if k.attrib['name'] == 'Threshold': k.attrib['value'] = str(self.config.settings.validation_threshold) def _map_experiments(self, validation=False): """Adds experiment sets to the parameter estimation task exp_file is an experiment filename with exactly matching headers (independent variablies need '_indep' appended to the end) since this method is intended to be used in a loop in another function to deal with all experiment sets, the second argument 'i' is the index for the current experiment i is the exeriment_file index Args: validation (bool): Set to True for configuring a validation experiment, False (default) otherwise Returns: :py:attr:`ParameterEstimation.models` """ ## build a reference dct for weight method numbers weight_method_string = ['mean_squared', 'standard_deviation', 'value_scaling', 'mean'] weight_method_numbers = [str(i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]] weight_method_lookup_dct = dict(list(zip(weight_method_string, weight_method_numbers))) for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model if validation: query = '//*[@name="Validation Set"]' experiment_names = self.config.validation_names experiments = self.config.datasets.validations keys_function = self._get_validation_keys # self._remove_all_validation_experiments() else: query = '//*[@name="Experiment Set"]' experiment_names = self.config.experiment_names experiments = self.config.datasets.experiments keys_function = self._get_experiment_keys # self._remove_all_experiments() ## I have had to put the inner loop in a separate method because ## in python it is impossible to 'continue' an inner loop and ## not also skip the outer loop ## (see self._map1experiment( model_name, mod, experiment_names, experiments, keys_function, validation, query, weight_method_lookup_dct ) return self.models def _remove_all_experiments(self): """ Removes all experiments from parameter estimation task Returns: None """ query = '//*[@name="Experiment Set"]' query2 = '//*[@name="FitItem"]' for model_name in self.models: for i in self.models[model_name].model.xml.xpath(query): for j in i: j.getparent().remove(j) for i in self.models[model_name].model.xml.xpath(query2): for j in i: if j.attrib['name'] == 'Affected Experiments': for k in j: k.getparent().remove(k) def _remove_all_validation_experiments(self): """ Removates all validation experiments from parameter estimation task Returns: None """ query = '//*[@name="Validation Set"]' query2 = '//*[@name="FitItem"]' for model_name in self.models: for i in self.models[model_name].model.xml.xpath(query): for j in i: if j.attrib['name'] not in ['Weight', 'Threshold']: j.getparent().remove(j) for i in self.models[model_name].model.xml.xpath(query2): for j in i: if j.attrib['name'] == 'Affected Cross Validation Experiments': for k in j: k.getparent().remove(k) def _select_method(self): """ Converts user input into the form required by the COPASI xml. Returns: tuple. (method_name, method_type) """ if self.config.settings.method == 'current_solution_statistics'.lower(): method_name = 'Current Solution Statistics' method_type = 'CurrentSolutionStatistics' elif self.config.settings.method == 'differential_evolution'.lower(): method_name = 'Differential Evolution' method_type = 'DifferentialEvolution' elif self.config.settings.method == 'evolutionary_strategy_sr'.lower(): method_name = 'Evolution Strategy (SRES)' method_type = 'EvolutionaryStrategySR' elif self.config.settings.method == 'evolutionary_program'.lower(): method_name = 'Evolutionary Programming' method_type = 'EvolutionaryProgram' elif self.config.settings.method == 'hooke_jeeves'.lower(): method_name = 'Hooke &amp; Jeeves' method_type = 'HookeJeeves' elif self.config.settings.method == 'levenberg_marquardt'.lower(): method_name = 'Levenberg - Marquardt' method_type = 'LevenbergMarquardt' elif self.config.settings.method == 'nelder_mead'.lower(): method_name = 'Nelder - Mead' method_type = 'NelderMead' elif self.config.settings.method == 'particle_swarm'.lower(): method_name = 'Particle Swarm' method_type = 'ParticleSwarm' elif self.config.settings.method == 'praxis'.lower(): method_name = 'Praxis' method_type = 'Praxis' elif self.config.settings.method == 'random_search'.lower(): method_name = 'Random Search' method_type = 'RandomSearch' elif self.config.settings.method == 'simulated_annealing'.lower(): method_name = 'Simulated Annealing' method_type = 'SimulatedAnnealing' elif self.config.settings.method == 'steepest_descent'.lower(): method_name = 'Steepest Descent' method_type = 'SteepestDescent' elif self.config.settings.method == 'truncated_newton'.lower(): method_name = 'Truncated Newton' method_type = 'TruncatedNewton' elif self.config.settings.method == 'scatter_search'.lower(): method_name = 'Scatter Search' method_type = 'ScatterSearch' elif self.config.settings.method == 'genetic_algorithm'.lower(): method_name = 'Genetic Algorithm' method_type = 'GeneticAlgorithm' elif self.config.settings.method == 'genetic_algorithm_sr'.lower(): method_name = 'Genetic Algorithm SR' method_type = 'GeneticAlgorithmSR' else: raise errors.InputError( f'"{self.config.settings.method}" is an invalid ' f'method argument. Please choose from "{sorted(self.valid_methods)}"' ) return method_name, method_type def _convert_numeric_arguments_to_string(self): """ xml requires all numbers to be strings. This method makes this conversion Returns: None """ self.config.settings.number_of_generations = str(self.config.settings.number_of_generations) self.config.settings.population_size = str(self.config.settings.population_size) self.config.settings.random_number_generator = str(self.config.settings.random_number_generator) self.config.settings.seed = str(self.config.settings.seed) = str( self.config.settings.iteration_limit = str(self.config.settings.iteration_limit) self.config.settings.tolerance = str(self.config.settings.tolerance) self.config.settings.rho = str(self.config.settings.rho) self.config.settings.scale = str(self.config.settings.scale) self.config.settings.swarm_size = str(self.config.settings.swarm_size) self.config.settings.std_deviation = str(self.config.settings.std_deviation) self.config.settings.number_of_iterations = str(self.config.settings.number_of_iterations) self.config.settings.start_temperature = str(self.config.settings.start_temperature) self.config.settings.cooling_factor = str(self.config.settings.cooling_factor) self.config.settings.lower_bound = str(self.config.settings.lower_bound) if isinstance(self.start_value, (float, int)): self.config.settings.start_value = str(self.config.settings.start_value) self.config.settings.upper_bound = str(self.config.settings.upper_bound) @property def _fit_items(self): """ Get existing fit items Returns: dict containing models with fit_items """ models_dct = {} for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model models_dct[model_name] = {} # d = {} query = '//*[@name="FitItem"]' for i in mod.xml.xpath(query): for j in list(i): if j.attrib['name'] == 'ObjectCN': match = re.findall('Reference=(.*)', j.attrib['value'])[0] if match == 'Value': match2 = re.findall('Reactions\[(.*)\].*Parameter=(.*),', j.attrib['value']) if match2 != []: match2 = '({}).{}'.format(match2[0][0], match2[0][1]) elif match == 'InitialValue': match2 = re.findall('Values\[(.*)\]', j.attrib['value']) if match2 != []: match2 = match2[0] elif match == 'InitialConcentration': match2 = re.findall('Metabolites\[(.*)\]', j.attrib['value']) if match2 != []: match2 = match2[0] if match2 != []: models_dct[model_name][match2] = j.attrib return models_dct def _remove_all_fit_items(self): """ Remove item from parameter estimation Returns: :py:attr:`ParameterEstimation.models` """ for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model for item in self._fit_items[model_name]: all_items = list(self._fit_items[model_name].keys()) query = '//*[@name="FitItem"]' assert item in all_items, '{} is not a fit item. These are the fit items: {}'.format(item, all_items) item = self._fit_items[model_name][item] for i in mod.xml.xpath(query): for j in list(i): if j.attrib['name'] == 'ObjectCN': # locate references # remove local parameters from PE task match = re.findall('Reference=(.*)', j.attrib['value'])[0] if match == 'Value': pattern = 'Reactions\[(.*)\].*Parameter=(.*),Reference=(.*)' match2_copasiML = re.findall(pattern, j.attrib['value']) if match2_copasiML != []: match2_item = re.findall(pattern, item['value']) if match2_item != []: if match2_item == match2_copasiML: i.getparent().remove(i) # rempve global parameters from PE task elif match == 'InitialValue': pattern = 'Values\[(.*)\].*Reference=(.*)' match2_copasiML = re.findall(pattern, j.attrib['value']) if match2_copasiML != []: match2_item = re.findall(pattern, item['value']) if match2_item == match2_copasiML: i.getparent().remove(i) # remove IC parameters from PE task elif match == 'InitialConcentration' or match == 'InitialParticleNumber': pattern = 'Metabolites\[(.*)\],Reference=(.*)' match2_copasiML = re.findall(pattern, j.attrib['value']) if match2_copasiML != []: if match2_copasiML[0][1] == 'InitialConcentration' \ or match2_copasiML[0][1] == 'InitialParticleNumber': match2_item = re.findall(pattern, item['value']) if match2_item != []: if match2_item == match2_copasiML: i.getparent().remove(i) else: raise TypeError( 'Parameter {} is not a local parameter, initial concentration parameter or a global parameter.initial_value'.format( match2_item)) self.models[model_name].model = mod return self.models def _get_experiment_keys(self): """Experiment keys are always 'Experiment_i' where 'i' indexes the experiment in the order they are given in the experiment list. This method extracts the _experiments that are not for validation :return: Args: Returns: """ dct = OrderedDict() for model_name in self.models: dct[model_name] = OrderedDict() for experiment_name in self.config.experiment_names: key = "Experiment_{}".format(experiment_name) dct[model_name][experiment_name] = key return dct def _get_validation_keys(self): """ Get keys for validation experiments Returns: dict[model] = list(validation_keys) """ dct = OrderedDict() for model_name in self.models: # model_name = self.models[model_name].model dct[model_name] = OrderedDict() for validation_name in self.config.validation_names: # experiment = self.config.datasets.experiments[experiment_name] key = "Experiment_{}".format(validation_name) dct[model_name][validation_name] = key return dct def _add_fit_items(self, constraint=False): """ Add a fit item to the model Args: constraint (bool): Set to True to configure fit item for constraints Returns: :py:attr:`ParameterEstimation.models` """ for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model if constraint: ## Constraint items are not obligatory so skip if there ## are none. if 'constraint_items' not in self.config.items.keys(): return self.models else: items = self.config.items.constraint_items else: items = self.config.items.fit_items for item_name in items: item = items[item_name] if not isinstance(item.affected_models, list): item.affected_models = [item.affected_models] if model_name not in item.affected_models: LOG.warning(f'model "{model_name}" is not in the affected models list ' f'({item.affected_models}) for item "{item_name}"' f' and is therefore being skipped') continue ## figure out what type of variable item is and assign to component item_type = None ## while we are distinguishing between component type we retrieve its ## model value so if the user specifies that the start value should be the ## model value, we can use the model_value that is collected here if item_name in mod.get_variable_names('m'): component = [i for i in mod.metabolites if == item_name][0] item_type = 'metabolite' if self.config.settings.quantity_type == 'concentration': model_value = mod.get(item_type, item_name, by='name').concentration elif self.config.settings.quantity_type == 'particle_numbers': model_value = mod.get(item_type, item_name, by='name').particle_numbers else: raise errors.InputError(f'settings.quantity_type option must be' f' either "concentration" or "particle_numbers" ' f'Got {self.config.settings.quantity_type}') elif item_name in mod.get_variable_names('l'): component = [i for i in mod.local_parameters if i.global_name == item_name][0] item_type = 'local_parameter' model_value = mod.get(item_type, item_name, by='global_name').value elif item_name in mod.get_variable_names('g'): component = [i for i in mod.global_quantities if == item_name][0] item_type = 'global_quantity' model_value = mod.get(item_type, item_name, by='name').initial_value elif item_name in mod.get_variable_names('c'): component = [i for i in mod.compartments if == item_name][0] item_type = 'compartment' model_value = mod.get(item_type, item_name, by='name').initial_value else: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( '"{}" is not a metabolite,' ' local_parameter or ' 'global_quantity. These are your' ' model variables: {}'.format( item_name, str(mod.get_variable_names('a', include_assignments=False))) ) assert item_type is not None if item['start_value'] == 'model_value': item['start_value'] = model_value # initialize new element fit_item_element = etree.Element('ParameterGroup', attrib={'name': 'FitItem'}) affected_experiments = {'name': 'Affected Experiments'} ## read affected _experiments from config file.yaml affected_experiments_attr = OrderedDict() ## the 'all' keyword argument for affected_experiments, affected_validations_Experiments ## and affected models needs resolving to lists of appropriate values ## when affected _experiments is 'all', the affected experiment element is empty if item['affected_experiments'] != 'all': ## convert a string to a list of 1 so we can cater for the case ## where we have a list of strings with the same code if isinstance(item['affected_experiments'], str): item['affected_experiments'] = [item['affected_experiments']] ## when the list of affected experiments equals the set of experiment names ## provided by the user we can just skip as the default behaviour is ## for all experiments to affect a parameter when this field is empty ignore_affected_experiments = False if sorted(item['affected_experiments']) == sorted(self.config.experiment_names): ignore_affected_experiments = True if not ignore_affected_experiments: ## iterate over list. Raise ValueError is can't find experiment name ## otherwise add the corresponding experiment key to the affected _experiments attr dict # resolves the affected_experiments from multiple experiments that # were declared in one file new_affected_experiments = [] for affected_experiment in item['affected_experiments']: multi_experiments, num_experiments = self.config.multi_experiments if affected_experiment in multi_experiments: new_affected_experiments += [affected_experiment + '_MultiExperiment' + str(i) for i in range(num_experiments)] else: new_affected_experiments.append(affected_experiment) for affected_experiment in new_affected_experiments: ## iterate over the list ## ensures that the parameter being configured `item_name` ## has only experiments under its affected experiments attribute ## that are actually in the model. # resolve affected experiments for when experiments are all in one file if affected_experiment not in self.config.models_affected_experiments[model_name]: LOG.warning( f'ignoring {item_name} as {affected_experiment} not in ' f'{self.config.models_affected_experiments[model_name]}' ) continue if affected_experiment in self._get_validation_keys()[model_name]: raise ValueError('"{}" has been given as a validation experiment and therefore ' 'I cannot add this experiment to the list of _experiments that ' 'affect the {} parameter'.format( affected_experiment, )) if affected_experiment not in self._get_experiment_keys()[model_name]: raise ValueError('"{}" (type({}))is not one of your _experiments. These are ' 'your valid experimments: "{}"'.format( affected_experiment, type(affected_experiment), self._get_experiment_keys()[model_name].keys() )) affected_experiments_attr[affected_experiment] = {} affected_experiments_attr[affected_experiment]['name'] = 'Experiment Key' affected_experiments_attr[affected_experiment]['type'] = 'key' affected_experiments_attr[affected_experiment]['value'] = \ self._get_experiment_keys()[model_name][affected_experiment] ## add affected _experiments to element affected_experiments_element = etree.SubElement(fit_item_element, 'ParameterGroup', attrib=affected_experiments) ## now add the attributes to the affected _experiments element for affected_experiment in affected_experiments_attr: etree.SubElement( affected_experiments_element, 'Parameter', attrib=affected_experiments_attr[affected_experiment] ) ## read affected validation _experiments from config file.yaml affected_validation_experiments_attr = OrderedDict() ## when affected _experiments is 'all', the affected experiment element is empty if item['affected_validation_experiments'] != 'all': ## convert a string to a list of 1 so we can cater for the case ## where we have a list of strings with the same code if isinstance(item['affected_validation_experiments'], str): item['affected_validation_experiments'] = [item['affected_validation_experiments']] ignore_affected_validation_experiments = False if sorted(item['affected_validation_experiments']) == sorted(self.config.validation_names): ignore_affected_validation_experiments = True if not ignore_affected_validation_experiments: for affected_validation_experiment in item[ 'affected_validation_experiments']: ## iterate over the list ## Analogous to affected_experiments above if affected_validation_experiment not in self.config.models_affected_validation_experiments[ model_name]: LOG.warning(f'ignoring {item_name} as {affected_experiment} not in ' f'{self.config.models_affected_experiments[model_name]}') continue if affected_validation_experiment in self._get_experiment_keys()[model_name]: raise ValueError('"{}" has been given as an experiment and therefore ' 'I cannot add this experiment to the list of validation _experiments that ' 'affect the {} parameter'.format( affected_validation_experiment, )) if affected_validation_experiment not in self._get_validation_keys()[model_name]: raise ValueError('"{}" is not one of your _experiments. These are ' 'your valid experimments: "{}"'.format( affected_validation_experiment, self._get_validation_keys()[model_name].keys() )) affected_validation_experiments_attr[affected_validation_experiment] = {} affected_validation_experiments_attr[affected_validation_experiment][ 'name'] = 'Experiment Key' affected_validation_experiments_attr[affected_validation_experiment]['type'] = 'key' affected_validation_experiments_attr[affected_validation_experiment]['value'] = \ self._get_validation_keys()[model_name][affected_validation_experiment] affected_cross_validation_experiments = {'name': 'Affected Cross Validation Experiments'} affected_cross_validation_experiments_element = etree.SubElement(fit_item_element, 'ParameterGroup', attrib=affected_cross_validation_experiments) ## now add the attributes to the affected _experiments element for affected_validation_experiment_attr in affected_validation_experiments_attr: etree.SubElement( affected_cross_validation_experiments_element, 'Parameter', attrib=affected_validation_experiments_attr[affected_validation_experiment_attr] ) ## get lower bound from config file and add to element lower_bound_element = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'LowerBound', 'value': str(item['lower_bound'])} etree.SubElement(fit_item_element, 'Parameter', attrib=lower_bound_element) start_value_element = {'type': 'float', 'name': 'StartValue', 'value': str(item['start_value'])} ## get upper bound from config file and add to element upper_bound_element = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'UpperBound', 'value': str(item['upper_bound'])} etree.SubElement(fit_item_element, 'Parameter', attrib=upper_bound_element) etree.SubElement(fit_item_element, 'Parameter', attrib=start_value_element) ## Now begin creating the object map. # for IC parameters if isinstance(component, model.Metabolite): if self.config.settings.quantity_type == 'concentration': subA4 = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'ObjectCN', 'value': '{},{},{}'.format(mod.reference, component.compartment.reference, component.initial_reference)} else: subA4 = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'ObjectCN', 'value': '{},{},{}'.format( mod.reference, component.compartment.reference, component.initial_particle_reference )} elif isinstance(component, model.LocalParameter): subA4 = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'ObjectCN', 'value': '{},{},{}'.format( mod.reference, mod.get('reaction', component.reaction_name, by='name').reference, component.value_reference)} elif isinstance(component, model.GlobalQuantity): subA4 = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'ObjectCN', 'value': '{},{}'.format(mod.reference, component.initial_reference)} elif isinstance(component, model.Compartment): subA4 = {'type': 'cn', 'name': 'ObjectCN', 'value': '{},{}'.format(mod.reference, component.initial_volume_reference())} else: raise errors.InputError('{} is not a valid parameter for estimation'.format(list(item))) ## add element etree.SubElement(fit_item_element, 'Parameter', attrib=subA4) ##insert fit item list_of_tasks = '{}ListOfTasks' parameter_est = mod.xml.find(list_of_tasks)[5] problem = parameter_est[1] assert problem.tag == '{}Problem' if constraint: item_list = problem[4] assert list(item_list.attrib.values())[0] == 'OptimizationConstraintList' else: item_list = problem[3] assert list(item_list.attrib.values())[0] == 'OptimizationItemList' item_list.append(fit_item_element) return self.models def _set_method(self): """ Choose algorithm and set algorithm specific parameters Returns: :py:attr:`ParameterEstimation.models` """ # Build xml for method. method_name, method_type = self._select_method() method_params = {'name': method_name, 'type': method_type} method_element = etree.Element('Method', attrib=method_params) # list of attribute dictionaries # Evolutionary strategy parametery number_of_generations = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Number of Generations', 'value': str(self.config.settings.number_of_generations)} population_size = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Population Size', 'value': str(self.config.settings.population_size)} random_number_generator = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Random Number Generator', 'value': str(self.config.settings.random_number_generator)} seed = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Seed', 'value': str(self.config.settings.seed)} pf = {'type': 'float', 'name': 'Pf', 'value': str(} # local method parameters iteration_limit = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Iteration Limit', 'value': str(self.config.settings.iteration_limit)} tolerance = {'type': 'float', 'name': 'Tolerance', 'value': str(self.config.settings.tolerance)} rho = {'type': 'float', 'name': 'Rho', 'value': str(self.config.settings.rho)} scale = {'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'name': 'Scale', 'value': str(self.config.settings.scale)} # Particle Swarm parmeters swarm_size = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Swarm Size', 'value': str(self.config.settings.swarm_size)} std_deviation = {'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'name': 'Std. Deviation', 'value': str(self.config.settings.std_deviation)} # Random Search parameters number_of_iterations = {'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'name': 'Number of Iterations', 'value': str(self.config.settings.number_of_iterations)} # Simulated Annealing parameters start_temperature = {'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'name': 'Start Temperature', 'value': str(self.config.settings.start_temperature)} cooling_factor = {'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'name': 'Cooling Factor', 'value': str(self.config.settings.cooling_factor)} # build the appropiate xML, with method at root (for now) if self.config.settings.method == 'current_solution_statistics': pass # no additional parameter elements required if self.config.settings.method == 'differential_evolution'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_generations) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=population_size) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) if self.config.settings.method == 'evolutionary_strategy_sr'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_generations) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=population_size) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=pf) if self.config.settings.method == 'evolutionary_program'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_generations) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=population_size) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) if self.config.settings.method == 'hooke_jeeves'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=iteration_limit) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=tolerance) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=rho) if self.config.settings.method == 'levenberg_marquardt'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=iteration_limit) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=tolerance) # if self.config.settings.method == 'nelder_mead'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=iteration_limit) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=tolerance) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=scale) if self.config.settings.method == 'particle_swarm'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=iteration_limit) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=swarm_size) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=std_deviation) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) if self.config.settings.method == 'praxis'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=tolerance) if self.config.settings.method == 'random_search'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_iterations) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) if self.config.settings.method == 'simulated_annealing'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=start_temperature) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=cooling_factor) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=tolerance) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) # if self.config.settings.method == 'steepest_descent'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=iteration_limit) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=tolerance) # if self.config.settings.method == 'truncated_newton'.lower(): # required no additonal paraemters pass # if self.config.settings.method == 'scatter_search'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_iterations) if self.config.settings.method == 'genetic_algorithm'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_generations) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=population_size) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) if self.config.settings.method == 'genetic_algorithm_sr'.lower(): etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=number_of_generations) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=population_size) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=random_number_generator) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=seed) etree.SubElement(method_element, 'Parameter', attrib=pf) models = {} for model_name in self.models: ## You must deep copy the method element or ## when dealing with multiple models only the last ## model will contain the method element. method_element = deepcopy(method_element) mod = self.models[model_name].model tasks = mod.xml.find('{}ListOfTasks') method = tasks[5][-1] parent = method.getparent() parent.remove(method) parent.insert(2, method_element) return self.models def _set_options(self): """ Set parameter estimation sepcific arguments Returns: :py:attr:ParameterEstimation.models """ for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model scheluled_attrib = {'scheduled': False, 'updateModel': str(int(self.config.settings.update_model))} report_attrib = {'append': False, 'reference': self._get_report_key()[model_name], 'target': self.config.settings.report_name, 'confirmOverwrite': False} randomize_start_values = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'Randomize Start Values', 'value': str(int(self.config.settings.randomize_start_values))} calculate_stats = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'Calculate Statistics', 'value': str(int(self.config.settings.calculate_statistics))} create_parameter_sets = {'type': 'bool', 'name': 'Create Parameter Sets', 'value': str(int(self.config.settings.create_parameter_sets))} for i in [ scheluled_attrib, report_attrib, randomize_start_values, calculate_stats, create_parameter_sets]: for k, v in i.items(): i[k] = str(v) query = '//*[@name="Parameter Estimation"]' and '//*[@type="parameterFitting"]' for i in mod.xml.xpath(query): i.attrib.update(scheluled_attrib) for j in list(i): if self.config.settings.report_name is not None: if 'append' in list(j.attrib.keys()): j.attrib.update(report_attrib) if list(j) != []: for k in list(j): if k.attrib['name'] == 'Randomize Start Values': k.attrib.update(randomize_start_values) elif k.attrib['name'] == 'Calculate Statistics': k.attrib.update(calculate_stats) elif k.attrib['name'] == 'Create Parameter Sets': k.attrib.update(create_parameter_sets) self.models[model_name].model = mod return self.models def _enumerate_output(self): """ Enumerates parameter estimation output files for each model Returns: dict[model_name][copy_number] = filename """ dct = {} report_name = self.config.settings.report_name for model_name in self.models: dct[model_name] = {} for i in range(int(self.config.settings.copy_number)): new_file = os.path.join( self.results_directory[model_name], f'{report_name}{i}.txt' \ if report_name[-4:] != \ '.txt' else f'{report_name[:-4]}{i}.txt' ) dct[model_name][i] = new_file return dct def _copy_model(self): """ Copy the model n times Uses deep copy to ensure separate models Returns: dict[index] = model copy """ dct = {} for model_name in self.models: mod = self.models[model_name].model ## a save is required here to 'commit' changed to xml before copying ## copy model into fit problem dir fle = os.path.split(mod.copasi_file)[1] fname = os.path.join(self.models_dir[model_name], fle) shutil.copy(mod.copasi_file, fname) dct[model_name] = {} dct[model_name][0] = model.Model(fname) for i in range(1, int(self.config.settings.copy_number)): # dire, fle = os.path.split(fname) new_cps = os.path.join(self.models_dir[model_name], fle[:-4] + f'_{i}.cps') shutil.copy(fname, new_cps) dct[model_name][i] = model.Model(new_cps) return dct def _setup1scan(self, q, mod, report): """Setup a single scan. Args: q: queue from multiprocessing mod: pycotools3.model.Model report: str. Returns: None """ if self.config.settings.context == 'pl': scan_variable = os.path.split(mod.copasi_file)[1][:-4] scan_obj = mod.get_model_object(scan_variable) if isinstance(scan_obj, model.Metabolite): if self.config.settings.quantity_type == 'concentration': scan_obj_init_value = scan_obj.concentration else: scan_obj_init_value = scan_obj.particle_numbers elif isinstance(scan_obj, model.GlobalQuantity): scan_obj_init_value = scan_obj.initial_value elif isinstance(scan_obj, model.Compartment): scan_obj_init_value = scan_obj.initial_value elif isinstance(scan_obj, model.LocalParameter): scan_obj_init_value = scan_obj.value q.put(Scan( mod, scan_type='scan', minimum=float(scan_obj_init_value) / float(self.config.settings.pl_lower_bound), maximum=float(scan_obj_init_value) * float(self.config.settings.pl_upper_bound), variable=scan_variable, subtask='parameter_estimation', report_type='multi_parameter_estimation', report_name=report, run=False, append=False, confirm_overwrite=False, output_in_subtask=False, save=True, log10=True) ) else: q.put(Scan(mod, scan_type='repeat', number_of_steps=self.config.settings.pe_number, subtask='parameter_estimation', report_type='multi_parameter_estimation', report_name=report, run=False, append=False, confirm_overwrite=False, output_in_subtask=False, save=True) ) def _setup_scan(self, models): """Set up `copy_number` repeat items with `pe_number` repeats of parameter estimation. Set run_mode to false as we want to use the multiprocess mode of the run_mode class to process all files at once in CopasiSE :return: Args: models: Returns: result dict """ res = {} number_of_cpu = cpu_count() q = queue.Queue(maxsize=number_of_cpu) for model_name in models: res[model_name] = {} # for model_i in self.models[model_name]: report_files = self._enumerate_output()[model_name] for copy_number, mod in list(models[model_name].items()): t = threading.Thread(target=self._setup1scan, args=(q, mod, report_files[copy_number])) t.daemon = True t.start() time.sleep(0.1) res[model_name][copy_number] = q.get().model ## Since this is being executed in parallel sometimes ## we get process clashes. Not sure exactly whats going on ## but introducing a small delay seems to fix time.sleep(0.1) return res def _setup(self): """ Setup the copasi parameter estimation task Uses the other methods in this class to configure the parameter estimation according to the :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` Returns: dict[model_name][sub_model_index] = :py:class:`model.Model` object """ self.models = self._define_report() ## we must remove existing experiments prior to reconfiguring ## or invite a world of pain self._remove_all_experiments() self._remove_all_validation_experiments() self._map_experiments(validation=True) self._map_experiments(validation=False) ## get rid of existing parameter estimation definition self._remove_all_fit_items() self._add_fit_items(constraint=False) self._add_fit_items(constraint=True) self._set_options() self._set_method() ##copy copied_models = self._copy_model() ##configure scan task copied_models = self._setup_scan(copied_models) return copied_models
[docs] def run(self, models): """ Run a parameter estimation using command line copasi. Args: models: dict of models. Output from _setup() Returns: param models: dict of models. Output from _setup() """ if self.config.settings.run_mode not in ['sge', 'slurm', 'parallel', True, False]: raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid argument'.format(self.config.settings.run_mode)) if self.config.settings.run_mode == 'sge': try: check_call('qhost') except errors.NotImplementedError: LOG.warning( 'Attempting to run in "sge" mode but SGE specific commands are unavailable. ' 'Switching to False mode -- parameter estimations have been configured but not run.') self.config.settings.run_mode = True if self.config.settings.run_mode == 'slurm': try: check_call('squeue') except errors.NotImplementedError: LOG.warning( 'Attempting to run in "slurm" mode but slurm specific commands are unavailable. ' 'Switching to False mode -- parameter estimations have been configured but not run.') self.config.settings.run_mode = False if self.config.settings.run_mode == 'parallel': if self.config.settings.context != 'lhs': for model_name in models: RunParallel( list(models[model_name].values()), mode=self.config.settings.run_mode, max_active=self.config.settings.max_active, task='scan') else: raise NotImplementedError('Parallel implemented of lhs is not yet implemented. Use run_mode=True') else: for model_name in models: for copy_number, mod in list(models[model_name].items()): print(f'running model {model_name}: {copy_number}') Run(mod, mode=self.config.settings.run_mode, task='scan')
[docs] def duplicate_for_every_experiment(self, model, fit_items, lower_bounds, start_values, upper_bounds): """ Replicate Copasi's duplicate for every experiment button. Args: model: fit_items: lower_bounds: start_values: upper_bounds: Returns: """
[docs] class Context: """ A high level interface to create a :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` object. Enables the construction of a :py:class:`ParameterEstimation.Config` object assuming one of several common patterns of usage. Examples: Assuming that we have two copasi models (`mod1` and `mod2`) and two experimental data files (`fname1`, `fname2`), correctly formatted according to the copasi specification. We can generate a config object that specifies the fitting of both experiments to both models and to fit all global and local parameters `parameters='gl'` in each. .. code-block:: python with ParameterEstimation.Context( [mod1, mod2], [fname1, fname2], context='s', parameters='gl') as context: context.set('method', 'genetic_algorithm_sr') context.set('number_of_generations', 25) context.set('population_size', 10) config = context.get_config() pe = ParameterEstimation(config) Or for profile likelihoods on the first model `mod1` .. code-block python with ParameterEstimation.Context( mod, experiment_filename, context='pl', parameters='gm' ) as context: context.set('method', 'hooke_jeeves') context.set('pl_lower_bound', 1000) context.set('pl_upper_bound', 1000) context.set('number_of_steps', 25) context.set('run_mode', True) config = context.get_config() pe = ParameterEstimation(config) """ acceptable_context_args = { 'm': 'model_selection', 's': 'single_parameter_estimation', 'r': 'repeat_parameter_estimation', 'c': 'chaser_estimations', } acceptable_parameters_args = { 'a': 'all', 'g': 'global_quantities', 'l': 'local_parameters', 'c': 'initial_concentrations', 'gl': 'global_quantities_and_local_parameters', 'gc': 'global_quantities_and_initial_concentrations', 'lc': 'local_parameters_and_initial_concentrations', '_': 'prefixed_with_underscore' ##todo implement a means of including a list of parameters as sings to this class } experiment_filetypes = ['.txt', '.csv'] def __init__(self, models, experiments, working_directory=None, context='s', parameters='mg', filename=None, validation_experiments={}, settings={}): self.models = models self.experiments = experiments self.working_directory = working_directory self.context = context self.parameters = parameters self.filename = filename self.validation_experiments = validation_experiments self.settings = settings self.defaults = ParameterEstimation._Defaults() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if exc_type: LOG.critical(f'exc_type: {exc_type}') LOG.critical(f'exc_value: {exc_value}') LOG.critical(f'exc_traceback: {exc_traceback}')
[docs] def set(self, parameter, value): """ Set the value of :code:`parameter` to :code:`value`. Looks for the first instance of :code:`parameter` and sets its value to :code:`value`. Args: parameter: A key somewhere in the nested structure of the config object value: A value to replace the current value with Returns: None """ if parameter in self.defaults.settings: self.defaults.settings[parameter] = value elif parameter in self.defaults.constraint_items: self.defaults.constraint_items[parameter] = value elif parameter in self.defaults.fit_items: self.defaults.fit_items[parameter] = value elif parameter in self.defaults.experiments: self.defaults.experiments[parameter] = value elif parameter in self.defaults.validations: self.defaults.validations[parameter] = value else: raise errors.InputError( f'"{parameter}" is not a valid argument' )
[docs] def setd(self, dct): """ Set the value of multiple settings using a dict[setting] = value. Iterates over :py:meth:`ParameterEstimation.Context.set` with key value pairs Args: dct (dict): a settings dict where keys are settings and values are setting values Returns: None """ for k, v in dct.items(): self.set(k, v)
def get_config(self): if self.context == 's': return self.get_config_simple() elif self.context == 'pl': return self.get_config_pl() elif self.context == 'cv': return self.get_config_cv() elif self.context == 'lhs': return self.get_config_lhs() else: raise ValueError( f'"{self.context}" is not a valid context' ) def get_config_simple(self): ## update the config self._add_models(self.models) self._add_settings(self.settings) self._add_experiments(self.experiments) self._add_validation_experiments(self.validation_experiments) self._add_working_directory(self.working_directory) dct = dict( models=self.models, datasets=dict( experiments=self.experiments, validations=self.validation_experiments ), items=dict( fit_items=self.parameters ), settings=self.settings ) config = ParameterEstimation.Config(**dct, defaults=self.defaults) if self.filename is not None: if os.path.isfile(self.filename) and not config.settings.overwrite_config_file: LOG.critical(f'"{self.filename}" already exists. To force an overwrite, ' f'set `settings.overwrite_config_file` to True') elif os.path.isfile(self.filename) and config.settings.overwrite_config_file: config.to_yaml(self.filename) elif not os.path.isfile(self.filename): config.to_yaml(self.filename) else: raise errors.SomethingWentHorriblyWrongError( 'Something weird happened.' ) return config
[docs] def get_config_pl(self): """ configure for profile likelihoods Returns: """ ## change the results_directory settings config = self.get_config_simple() if len(config.models) != 1: NotImplementedError( 'Currently pycotools3 only supports the configuration of profile likelihoods' ' for a single model at a time' ) config.settings['problem'] = 'ProfileLikelihoods' config.settings['randomize_start_values'] = False config.settings['context'] = self.context if not os.path.isdir(config.settings['problem']): os.makedirs(config.settings['problem']) parameters = list(config.items.fit_items.keys()) files = {} for p in parameters: new_file = os.path.join(config.settings['problem'], f'{p}.cps') shutil.copy(config.models[list(config.models.keys())[0]].copasi_file, new_file) files[p] = os.path.abspath(new_file) if not len(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.settings['problem'], '*.cps'))) == len(parameters): raise ValueError('num copasi files ({}) not equal to num parameters ({})'.format( len(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.settings['problem'], '*.cps'))), len(parameters) )) ##change the models which appear in the config new_models_attr = {} for p in files: mod = model.Model(files[p]) new_models_attr[p] = dict( copasi_file=files[p], model=mod ) ## now modify affected models attribute for fit_item in config.items.fit_items: model_list = [i for i in parameters if i != fit_item] config.items.fit_items[fit_item].affected_models = model_list ##todo change affect models for experiments as well for experiment in config.experiments: config.experiments[experiment].affected_models = parameters for experiment in config.validations: config.validations[experiment].affected_models = parameters new_config = ParameterEstimation.Config( models=new_models_attr, datasets=config.datasets, items=config.items, settings=config.settings ) return new_config
[docs] def get_config_cv(self): """ configure for cross validation Returns: """ ## change the results_directory settings config = self.get_config_simple() if len(config.models) != 1: NotImplementedError( 'Currently pycotools3 only supports the configuration of cross validation parameter estimations' ' for a single model at a time' ) config.settings['problem'] = 'CrossValidation' config.settings['context'] = self.context if not os.path.isdir(config.settings['problem']): os.makedirs(config.settings['problem']) config.datasets.validations = deepcopy(config.datasets.experiments) experiments = list(config.experiments.keys()) if config.settings.cross_validation_depth > len(experiments): raise errors.InputError( f'Number of experiments cannot ' f'exceed that of the ' f'cross_validation_depth setting ' f'({config.settings.cross_validation_depth} > {len(self.experiments)}' ) ## work out how many models we need ## and create the correct combinations experiments_combs = {} validation_combs = {} count = 0 for current_depth in range(config.settings.cross_validation_depth + 1): num_exp = len(experiments) - current_depth e = list(itertools.combinations(self.experiments, num_exp)) count += len(list(e)) for experiment_set in range(len(e)): experiments_combs[f'{num_exp}_{experiment_set}'] = e[experiment_set] validation_combs[f'{num_exp}_{experiment_set}'] = list( set(experiments).difference(set(e[experiment_set])))'Configuring cross validation. {count} models needed') model_keys = list(self.models.keys()) copasi_file = config.models[model_keys[0]].model.copasi_file model_dct = {} ## copy model for exp_id in experiments_combs: for exp_name in experiments_combs[exp_id]: fname = os.path.join(config.settings.problem, f'{os.path.splitext(copasi_file)[0]}' f'{exp_id}.cps') shutil.copy(copasi_file, fname) model_dct[exp_id] = os.path.abspath(fname) new_models_attr = {} for i in model_dct: mod = model.Model(model_dct[i]) new_models_attr[i] = dict( copasi_file=model_dct[i], model=mod ) ## prepare affected models dct new_aff_models_exp = {} for exp in experiments: new_aff_models_exp[exp] = [] for model_name in experiments_combs: if exp in experiments_combs[model_name]: new_aff_models_exp[exp] += [model_name] new_aff_models_val = {} for val in experiments: new_aff_models_val[val] = [] for model_name in validation_combs: if val in validation_combs[model_name]: new_aff_models_val[val] += [model_name] datasets = deepcopy(config.datasets) for exp in experiments: datasets.experiments[exp].affected_models = new_aff_models_exp[exp] for exp in experiments: datasets.validations[exp].affected_models = new_aff_models_val[exp] datasets = dict( experiments=datasets.experiments, validations=datasets.validations ) fit_items = deepcopy(config.items.fit_items) for fit_item in fit_items: fit_items[fit_item].affected_models = 'all' items = dict( fit_items=fit_items, # constraint_items=config.items.constraint_items ) new_config = ParameterEstimation.Config( models=new_models_attr, datasets=datasets, items=items, settings=config.settings ) return new_config
def get_config_lhs(self): config = self.get_config_simple() config.settings.randomize_start_value = False config.settings.context = self.context return config def _add_models(self, models: (str, list)): """ Add models to class attributes Args: models (str, list): Path to copasi file or list of paths to copasi files Returns: None """ ## if models passed as a string if not isinstance(models, list): models = [models] cps_file_list = [] for i in models: if isinstance(i, model.Model): cps_file_list.append(i.copasi_file) elif isinstance(i, str): if not os.path.isfile(i): raise errors.InputError( f'"{i}" does not an existing file' ) cps_file_list.append(i) models = {os.path.split(i)[1][:-4]: { 'copasi_file': i } for i in cps_file_list} setattr(self, 'models', models) def _add_experiments(self, experiments: (str, list)): """ Add list of experiments to class attributes Args: experiments (str, list): Path pointing to experimental data file or list of paths pointing to experimental data files Returns: None """ if not isinstance(experiments, list): experiments = [experiments] for i in experiments: ## todo support for dataframes, dict and other ## python objects as arguments if not os.path.isfile(i): raise errors.InputError( f'"{i}" does not an existing file' ) if os.path.splitext(i)[1] not in self.experiment_filetypes: raise errors.InputError( f'File with "{os.path.splitext(i)[1]}" is not supported' ) experiments = {os.path.split(i)[1][:-4]: { 'filename': i } for i in experiments} setattr(self, 'experiments', experiments) def _add_validation_experiments(self, experiments: (str, list)): """Add experiments to validation_experiments attribute Args: experiments (str, list): path to validation data or list of paths to validation data Returns: None """ if experiments is None or experiments == {}: return None if not isinstance(experiments, list): experiments = [experiments] if isinstance(experiments, list): for i in experiments: if not os.path.isfile(i): raise errors.InputError( f'"{i}" does not an existing file' ) if os.path.splitext(i)[1] not in self.experiment_filetypes: raise errors.InputError( f'File with "{os.path.splitext(i)[1]}" is not supported' ) experiments = {os.path.split(i)[1][:-4]: { 'filename': i } for i in experiments} setattr(self, 'validation_experiments', experiments) def _add_working_directory(self, working_directory: str): """ Add working_directory to class attributes. Put in same path as first copasi model if argument not specified. Args: working_directory (str): Path to location on the system to store analysis Returns: None """ if working_directory is None or working_directory == '': model_keys = list(self.models.keys()) working_directory = os.path.dirname(self.models[model_keys[0]]['copasi_file']) if not os.path.isdir(working_directory): raise errors.InputError(f'"{working_directory}" does not exist') self.settings['working_directory'] = working_directory def _add_setting(self, setting, value): """ Args: setting: value: Returns: """ if not hasattr(self, 'settings'): setattr(self, 'settings', {}) self.settings[setting] = value def _add_settings(self, settings): """ Args: settings: Returns: """ if not isinstance(settings, dict): raise TypeError(f'add_settings expects a dict as argument. Got "{type(settings)}"') self.settings.update(settings)
[docs]@mixin(model.GetModelComponentFromStringMixin) @mixin(model.ReadModelMixin) class Sensitivities(_Task): """Interface to COPASI sensitivity task""" ## subtasks subtasks = { 'evaluation': '0', 'steady_state': '1', 'time_series': '2', 'parameter_estimation': '3', 'optimization': '4', 'cross_section': '5', } evaluation_effect = [ 'not_set' 'single_object', 'concentration_fluxes', 'particle_fluxes', 'concentration_rates', 'particle_rates', 'non_constant_global_quantities' ] steady_state_effect = evaluation_effect + [ 'all_variables', 'non_constant_species_concentrations', 'non_constant_species_numbers', 'real_part_of_eigenvalues_of_jacobian', 'imaginary_part_of_eigenvalues_of_jacobian' ] time_series_effect = [i for i in steady_state_effect if i not in ['real_part_of_eigenvalues_of_reduced_jacobian', 'imaginary_part_of_eigenvalues_of_reduced_jacobian']] parameter_estimation_effect = ['single_object'] optimization_effect = deepcopy(parameter_estimation_effect) cross_section_effect = deepcopy(parameter_estimation_effect) steady_state_cause = [ 'not_set', 'single_object', 'local_parameters', 'all_parameters', 'initial_concentrations' ] time_series_cause = steady_state_cause + [ 'all_parameters_and_initial_concentrations' ] parameter_estimation_cause = deepcopy(time_series_cause) optimization_cause = deepcopy(time_series_cause) cross_section_cause = deepcopy(time_series_cause) evaluation_cause = [ 'not_set', 'single_object', 'non_constant_species_concentration', 'species_concentration', 'non_constant_species_numbers', 'non_constant_global_quantities', 'global_quantities', 'local_parameters', 'all_parameters' ] ## for the 'ObjectListType xml element sensitivitity_number_map = { 'single_object': '1', 'concentration_fluxes': '21', 'particle_fluxes': '22', 'concentration_rates': '17', 'particle_rates': '18', 'global_quantity_rates': '30', 'all_variables': '43', 'non_constant_species_concentrations': '7', 'non_constant_species_numbers': '8', 'non_constant_global_quantities': '26', 'real_part_of_eigenvalues_of_jacobian': '45', 'imaginary_part_of_eigenvalues_of_jacobian': '46', 'not_set': '0', 'species_concentrations': '5', 'global_quaantities': '25', 'local_parameter_values': '40', 'all_parameters': '41', 'initial_concentrations': '3', 'all_parameters_and_initial_concentrations': '42', } update_model = False
[docs] def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.model = self.read_model(model) default_report_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.model.copasi_file), 'sensitivities.txt') default_properties = { 'subtask': 'time_series', 'cause': 'all_parameters', 'effect': 'all_variables', 'effect_single_object': None, 'cause_single_object': None, 'secondary_cause_single_object': None, 'secondary_cause': 'not_set', 'delta_factor': 0.001, 'delta_minimum': 1e-12, 'report_name': default_report_name, 'append': False, 'confirm_overwrite': False, 'scheduled': True, 'run': True, } default_properties.update(kwargs) default_properties = self.convert_bool_to_numeric(default_properties) self.check_integrity(list(default_properties.keys()), list(kwargs.keys())) self.update_properties(default_properties) self._do_checks() ## change signle obejct reference for the pycotools3 model variable equiv self.get_single_object_references() ## add a report to output specifications self.model = self.create_new_report() ## build up task sequentially. This list of commands shold ## be executed in order self.task = self.create_sensitivity_task() self.task = self.set_report() self.task = self.create_problem() self.task = self.set_subtask() self.task = self.set_effect() self.task = self.add_list_of_variables_element() self.task = self.set_cause() self.task = self.set_secondary_cause() self.task = self.set_method() self.model = self.replace_sensitivities_task() self.model = self.run_task() ## extract relevant (non scaled) data from the copasi report self.sensitivities = self.process_data() ## overwrite the copasi report with only relevant data self.sensitivities.to_csv(self.report_name, sep='\t')
def _do_checks(self): """ """ if self.subtask == 'evaluation': if self.cause not in self.evaluation_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.evaluation_cause)) if self.effect not in self.evaluation_effect: raise errors.InputError('effect "{}" not in "{}"'.format(self.effect, self.evaluation_effect)) if self.secondary_cause not in self.evaluation_cause: raise errors.InputError( 'secondary cause "{}" not in "{}"'.format(self.secondary_cause, self.evaluation_cause)) elif self.subtask == 'steady_state': if self.cause not in self.steady_state_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.steady_state_cause)) if self.effect not in self.steady_state_effect: raise errors.InputError('effect "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format( self.effect, self.subtask, self.steady_state_effect)) if self.secondary_cause not in self.steady_state_cause: raise errors.InputError('Secondary cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.steady_state_cause)) elif self.subtask == 'time_series': if self.cause not in self.time_series_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.time_series_cause)) if self.effect not in self.time_series_effect: raise errors.InputError('effect "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.effect, self.subtask, self.time_series_cause)) if self.secondary_cause not in self.time_series_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.time_series_cause)) elif self.subtask == 'parameter_estimation': if self.cause not in self.parameter_estimation_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.parameter_estimation_cause)) if self.effect not in self.parameter_estimation_effect: raise errors.InputError('effect "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.effect, self.subtask, self.parameter_estimation_cause)) if self.secondary_cause not in self.parameter_estimation_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.parameter_estimation_cause)) elif self.subtask == 'optimization': if self.cause not in self.optimization_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.optimization_cause)) if self.effect not in self.optimization_effect: raise errors.InputError('effect "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.effect, self.subtask, self.optimization_cause)) if self.secondary_cause not in self.optimization_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.optimization_cause)) elif self.subtask == 'cross_section': if self.cause not in self.cross_section_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.cross_section_cause)) if self.effect not in self.cross_section_effect: raise errors.InputError('effect "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.effect, self.subtask, self.cross_section_cause)) if self.secondary_cause not in self.cross_section_cause: raise errors.InputError('cause "{}" not in available for "{}" ' 'subtask. These are available: "{}"'.format(self.cause, self.subtask, self.cross_section_cause)) ## verify that single objects are actually in the model ## and are strings if self.effect_single_object is not None: if not isinstance(self.effect_single_object, str): raise errors.TypeError("effect_single_object parameter should be of type str. " "Got '{}' instead".format(type(self.effect_single_object))) if self.effect_single_object not in self.model.all_variable_names: raise errors.InputError('Variable "{}" is not in model. These ' 'are in your model "{}"'.format(self.effect_single_object, self.model.all_variable_names)) if self.cause_single_object is not None: if not isinstance(self.cause_single_object, str): raise errors.TypeError("cause_single_object parameter should be of type str. " "Got '{}' instead".format(type(self.cause_single_object))) if self.cause_single_object not in self.model.all_variable_names: raise errors.InputError('Variable "{}" is not in model. These ' 'are in your model "{}"'.format(self.cause_single_object, self.model.all_variable_names)) if self.secondary_cause_single_object is not None: if not isinstance(self.secondary_cause_single_object, str): raise errors.TypeError("secondary_cause_single_object parameter should be of type str. " "Got '{}' instead".format(type(self.secondary_cause_single_object))) if self.secondary_cause_single_object not in self.model.all_variable_names: raise errors.InputError('Variable "{}" is not in model. These ' 'are in your model "{}"'.format(self.secondary_cause_single_object, self.model.all_variable_names))
[docs] def get_single_object_references(self): """ """ if self.cause_single_object is not None: self.cause_single_object = self.get_variable_from_string(self.model, self.cause_single_object) if self.effect_single_object is not None: self.cause_single_object = self.get_variable_from_string(self.model, self.effect_single_object) if self.secondary_cause_single_object is not None: self.cause_single_object = self.get_variable_from_string(self.model, self.secondary_cause_single_object)
[docs] def sensitivity_task_key(self): """Get the sensitivity task as it currently is in the model as etree.Element :return: Args: Returns: """ # query = './/Task/*[@name="Sensitivities"]' tasks = self.model.xml.findall(self.schema + 'ListOfTasks')[0] for i in tasks: if i.attrib['name'] == 'Sensitivities': return i.attrib['key']
[docs] def create_sensitivity_task(self): """ """ return etree.Element('Task', attrib=OrderedDict({ 'key': self.sensitivity_task_key(), 'name': 'Sensitivities', 'type': 'sensitivities', 'scheduled': 'false', 'updateModel': 'false' }))
[docs] def create_new_report(self): """ """ report_options = OrderedDict({ 'report_name': self.report_name, 'append': self.append, 'confirm_overwrite': self.confirm_overwrite, 'update_model': self.update_model, 'report_type': 'sensitivity' }) report = Reports(self.model, **report_options) return report.model
[docs] def get_report_key(self): """ """ ## get the report key for i in self.model.xml: if i.tag == self.schema + 'ListOfReports': for j in i: if j.attrib['name'] == 'sensitivity': return j.attrib['key']
[docs] def set_report(self): """ """ attrib = OrderedDict({ 'reference': self.get_report_key(), 'target': self.report_name, 'append': self.append, 'confirmOverwrite': self.confirm_overwrite }) etree.SubElement(self.task, 'Report', attrib=attrib) return self.task
[docs] def create_problem(self): """ """ etree.SubElement(self.task, 'Problem') return self.task
[docs] def set_subtask(self): """ """ assert self.task[1].tag == 'Problem' attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'SubtaskType', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': self.subtasks[self.subtask] }) etree.SubElement(self.task[1], 'Parameter', attrib=attrib) return self.task
[docs] def set_effect(self): """ """ assert self.task[1].tag == 'Problem' parameter_group = etree.SubElement(self.task[-1], 'ParameterGroup', attrib={'name': 'TargetFunctions'}) single_object_attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'SingleObject', 'type': 'cn', 'value': "" if self.effect_single_object is None else self.effect_single_object }) object_list_type_attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'ObjectListType', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': self.sensitivitity_number_map[self.effect] }) etree.SubElement(parameter_group, 'Parameter', attrib=single_object_attrib) etree.SubElement(parameter_group, 'Parameter', attrib=object_list_type_attrib) return self.task
[docs] def add_list_of_variables_element(self): """ """ assert self.task[1].tag == 'Problem' parameter_group = etree.SubElement(self.task[-1], 'ParameterGroup', attrib={'name': 'ListOfVariables'}) return self.task
[docs] def set_cause(self): """ """ assert self.task[1].tag == 'Problem' assert self.task[1][2].attrib['name'] == 'ListOfVariables' parameter_group = etree.SubElement( self.task[1][2], 'ParameterGroup', attrib={'name': 'Variables'} ) single_object_attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'SingleObject', 'type': 'cn', 'value': "" if self.cause_single_object is None else self.cause_single_object }) object_list_type_attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'ObjectListType', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': self.sensitivitity_number_map[self.cause] }) etree.SubElement(parameter_group, 'Parameter', attrib=single_object_attrib) etree.SubElement(parameter_group, 'Parameter', attrib=object_list_type_attrib) return self.task
[docs] def set_secondary_cause(self): """ """ pass assert self.task[1].tag == 'Problem' assert self.task[1][2].attrib['name'] == 'ListOfVariables' parameter_group = etree.SubElement( self.task[1][2], 'ParameterGroup', attrib={'name': 'Variables'} ) single_object_attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'SingleObject', 'type': 'cn', 'value': "" if self.secondary_cause_single_object is None else self.secondary_cause_single_object }) object_list_type_attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'ObjectListType', 'type': 'unsignedInteger', 'value': self.sensitivitity_number_map[self.secondary_cause] }) etree.SubElement(parameter_group, 'Parameter', attrib=single_object_attrib) etree.SubElement(parameter_group, 'Parameter', attrib=object_list_type_attrib) return self.task
[docs] def set_method(self): """ """ method_attrib = OrderedDict({ 'name': 'Sensitivities Method', 'type': 'SensitivitiesMethod', }) method = etree.SubElement(self.task, 'Method', attrib=method_attrib) etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=OrderedDict({ 'name': 'Delta factor', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.delta_factor) })) etree.SubElement(method, 'Parameter', attrib=OrderedDict({ 'name': 'Delta minimum', 'type': 'unsignedFloat', 'value': str(self.delta_minimum) })) return self.task
[docs] def replace_sensitivities_task(self): """ """ task_list = self.model.xml.findall(self.schema + 'ListOfTasks')[0] for i in task_list: if i.attrib['name'] == 'Sensitivities': i.getparent().remove(i) task_list.insert(9, self.task) return self.model
[docs] def run_task(self): """ """ r = Run(self.model, task='sensitivities', return r.model
[docs] def process_data(self): """ """ if not os.path.isfile(self.report_name): raise ValueError('Sensitivity report missing. Please ensure you have ' 'executed the sensitivity task and the report exists. ' 'The report should be here "{}"'.format(self.report_name)) with open(self.report_name, 'r') as f: data = pattern = 'Sensitivities array(.*)Scaled sensitivities array' data = re.findall(pattern, data, re.DOTALL) data = [i.strip() for i in data] assert data[0][:4] == 'Rows' data = data[0].split('\n') data = reduce(lambda x, y: x + '\n' + y, data[2:]) data = StringIO(data) df = pandas.read_csv(data, sep='\t', index_col=0) new_headers = [] for i in df.columns: match = re.findall('.*\[(.*)\]', i) if match == []: new_headers.append(i) else: new_headers.append(match[0]) df.columns = new_headers = self.cause new_index = [] for i in df.index: match = re.findall('.*\[(.*)\]', i) if match == []: new_index.append(i) else: new_index.append(match[0]) df[self.effect] = new_index return df.set_index(self.effect)
class FIM(Sensitivities): """Let S = matrix of partial derivatives of metabolites with respect to kinetic parameters. Then the fisher information matrix (FIM) is: FIM = S^TS Args: Returns: """ subtask = 'time_series' effect = 'all_variables' cause = 'all_parameters' secondary_cause = 'not_set' def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): kwargs['subtask'] = self.subtask kwargs['effect'] = self.effect kwargs['cause'] = self.cause kwargs['secondary_cause'] = self.secondary_cause super(FIM, self).__init__(model, **kwargs) @property def fim(self): """ """ return self.sensitivities.transpose().dot(self.sensitivities) class Hessian(Sensitivities): """ """ pass class GlobalSensitivities(Sensitivities): """Sensitivity around parameter estimates""" pass if __name__ == '__main__': pass